N.D. Admin Code 74-03-01-04 - Classes (generation) and sources of certified seed

1. Four classes (generations) of seed shall be recognized in seed certification: breeder, foundation, registered, and certified.
a. Breeder seed is directly controlled by the originating plant breeder, sponsoring institution or firm, which supplies the source for the initial and recurring increase of foundation seed.
b. Foundation seed is the progeny of breeder or foundation seed produced under control of the originator or sponsoring plant breeding institution, or person, or designee thereof. As applied to certified seed, foundation seed is a class of certified seed produced under procedures established by the certifying agency for the purpose of maintaining genetic purity and identity.
c. Registered seed is the progeny of foundation or other approved seed stocks that is so handled as to maintain satisfactory genetic identity and purity and that has been approved and certified by the certifying agency. This class of seed shall be of a quality suitable for the production of certified seed.
d. Certified seed is the progeny of foundation, registered, or other approved seed stocks that is so handled as to maintain satisfactory genetic identity and purity and that has been approved by the state seed department.
2. The number of generations which a variety may be multiplied shall be limited to that specified by the originating breeder or owner of a variety, but shall not exceed two generations beyond foundation seed. The following exceptions to the limitation of generations are allowed with permission from the variety owner and authorization from the state seed department:
a. Unlimited recertification of the certified class may be permitted for crop varieties when foundation seed is not being maintained.
b. The production of an additional generation of the certified class may be permitted on a one-year basis when:
(1) Foundation and registered seed supplies are not adequate to plant the needed certified acreage of the variety; and
(2) The additional generation of certified seed produced to meet the emergency is declared ineligible for recertification.
3. Seed that fails to meet the certification standards for reasons other than those affecting genetic purity may be certified and will be labeled as "substandard".


N.D. Admin Code 74-03-01-04
Amended effective May 1, 1986; January 2, 2006; July 1, 2010; October 1, 2012.

General Authority: NDCC 4.1-53-11

Law Implemented: NDCC 4.1-53-42, 4.1-53-44, 4.1-53-45

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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