N.D. Admin Code 74-03-16-04 - Field standards

1. Isolation.
a. Prior to flowering and inspection, the field must be isolated from fields of any other variety or fields of the same variety not meeting genetic purity requirements for certification.
b. The minimum isolation distances required between inspected hemp and other hemp crops must be maintained as specified in the following table. There must be no hemp plants within three hundred feet [91.44 meters] of a seed field and no more than four plants per acre outside three hundred feet [91.44 meters]. Hemp crops must be isolated from other inseparable crops by a minimum of ten feet.

Inspected Crop

Other Crops

Isolation Distance Required (feet)

Dioecious type foundation

* Different varieties of hemp

* Noncertified crop of hemp


* Lower certified class of seed crop of same variety


* Same class of certified seed crop of same variety


Dioecious type registered

* Different varieties of hemp

* Noncertified crop of hemp


* Seed crop of s a me variety that meets certified standards for varietal purity


* Seed crop of same variety that meets registered standards for varietal purity


Dioecious type certified

* Different varieties of hemp

* Noncertified crop of hemp


* Planted with certified seed of the same variety that meets certified standards for varietal purity


* Seed crop of same variety that meets certified standards for varietal purity


Monoecious type foundation

* Dioecious varieties of hemp

* Noncertified crop of hemp


* Other monoecious varieties

* Lower certified class of seed crop of same variety


* Same class of certified seed crop of same variety


Monoecious type registered

* Dioecious varieties of hemp

* Noncertified crop of hemp


* Different varieties of the same type of hemp (monoecious or female hybrid)


* Seed crop of same variety that meets certified standards for varietal purity

* Seed crop of same variety that meets registered standards for varietal purity



Monoecious type certified

* Dioecious varieties of hemp

* Noncertified crop of hemp


* Different varieties of the same type of hemp (monoecious or female hybrid)

* Planted with certified seed of the same variety that meets certified standards for varietal purity


* Seed crop of same variety that meets certified standards for varietal purity


2. Specific field standards.
a. Roguing to remove undesirable plants must be done before field inspection. Rogued plants must be removed from the field to be harvested.
b. Any combination of impurities may be reason for failing an inspection. Unless otherwise specified by the breeder, an industrial hemp crop for certification must not exceed the limits specified in the following table. Impurities may include harmful contaminants (species capable of cross pollinating with the inspected variety), plants of other varieties or distinct types foreign to the variety being inspected, weeds, or other inseparable crops.
c. The table indicates the maximum number of impurities permitted in approximately ten thousand plants of the inspected crop.

Maximum Impurity Standards per Ten Thousand Plants in Hemp Seed Crops

Maximum Number of Dioecious Male Plants Shedding Pollen

Maximum Number of Off-Types or Other Varieties

Dioecious type foundation



Dioecious type registered



Dioecious type certified



Monoecious type foundation



Monoecious type registered



Monoecious type certified




N.D. Admin Code 74-03-16-04
Adopted by Administrative Rules Supplement 369, July 2018, effective 7/1/2018. Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2020-377, July 2020, effective 7/1/2020.

General Authority: NDCC 4.1-52-10

Law Implemented: NDCC 4.1-52-10, 4.1-53-42

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