Ohio Admin. Code 111:3-5-03 - Registration opportunities

The term "Registration Form" refers to the voter registration application prescribed by the secretary of state pursuant to section 3503.14 of the Revised Code.

The term "Agency Coordinator" refers to the person designated by the agency to be responsible for the preparation, filing, coordination and implementation of the plan and the agency's voter registration program. Each agency coordinator shall also serve as the contact person for responding to questions or concerns raised by a board of elections or the secretary of state.

"Declination Form" means a voter registration form which has been presented to any agency consumer, and been returned, but which contains no mark or contains a mark in the "no" box following the question "do you want to register or update your current registration", regardless of whether such form contains a signature or other identification of the person who received the form and responded "no."

Each plan shall specify the procedures and personnel through which each designated agency will provide opportunities for its consumers to register to vote, and shall include:

(A) The name, address, and the telephone number of the person or persons who shall serve as the agency coordinator;
(B) A procedure to be administered as part of the designated agency's intake process that which requires that each agency consumer to be offered a registration form and the opportunity for assistance in completing such form;
(C) If the designated agency is an office or agency of the state that provides public assistance or that provides state funded programs primarily engaged in providing services to persons with disabilities, a procedure to be administered as part of the designated agency's intake process which requires that each agency consumer receive a form prescribed by the secretary of state pursuant to division (C) of section 3503.10 of the Revised Code that contains the following:
(1) "Applying or declining to apply, to register to vote will not affect the amount of assistance that you will be provided by this agency";
(2) Notice of name, address and phone number of the person or office who the applicant can contact if they believe that their right to register or decline to register to vote or their right to privacy in making this decision has been violated.
(D) A method for training each agency coordinator and other personnel who provide voter registration assistance including:
(1) Instructions that each designated agency person who assists with voter registration shall maintain strict neutrality with respect to a prospective registrant's political philosophy, right to register or decline to register, and shall not make any statements or take any action which that may influence a person's decision to register or decline to register.
(2) Instructions that each designated agency person who assists with voter registration, shall not display or demonstrate any political preference or party allegiance, or make any statement or take any action, the purpose or effect of which is, to lead a prospective registrant to believe that a decision to register or decline to register will impact the amount or type of services or assistance offered by the designated agency.
(E) The method by which that each designated agency or its offices shall use to transmit, to the board of elections in the county in which the designated agency office is located, registration forms and report the number of declinations received by the agency for each reporting period;
(F) The address and phone number of each office through which the designated agency shall provide voter registration opportunities.


Ohio Admin. Code 111:3-5-03
Effective: 3/28/2022
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 1/10/2022 and 03/15/2027
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3501.05(U)
Rule Amplifies: 3501.05(R), 3503.10
Prior Effective Dates: 12/22/1994 (Emer.), 05/27/1995, 01/24/2014, 01/25/2016

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.