Ohio Admin. Code 1301:3-6-03 - Permits for erection, repair, or removal to a different location; certificates of operation; temporary certificates of operation; procedure for registered elevator to be permanently taken out of service

(A) An application for a permit under section 4105.16 of the Revised Code for the erection, repair, or removal to a different location of an elevator shall consist of the following:
(1) A completed application form designated by the superintendent;
(2) Plans and specifications, in duplicate, giving information, adequate to the division, concerning the construction, alteration, or repair of the elevator; and
(3) Any applicable fee assessed by the board of building standards in accordance with section 4105.17 of the Revised Code, which fee shall be nonrefundable.
(B) An application for a certificate of operation for an elevator under section 4105.15 of the Revised Code shall consist of the following:
(1) A completed application form designated by the superintendent of industrial compliance;
(2) A permit for the erection or repair of the elevator issued in conformity with section 4105.16 of the Revised Code;
(3) The fee for issuance of a certificate of operation in accordance with section 4105.17 of the Revised Code, the amount of which shall be as follows:
(a) The nonrefundable fee for issuing or renewing a certificate of operation under section 4105.15 of the Revised Code for an elevator that is inspected twice every twelve months in accordance with division (A) of section 4105.10 of the Revised Code is two hundred ninety-five dollars plus sixteen dollars for each floor where the elevator stops, except where the elevator has been inspected by a special inspector in accordance with section 4105.07 of the Revised Code.
(b) The nonrefundable fee for issuing or renewing a certificate of operation under section 4105.15 of the Revised Code for an elevator that is inspected at least once every twelve months in accordance with division (B) of section 4105.10 of the Revised Code is seventy-two dollars plus thirteen dollars for each floor where the elevator stops, except where the elevator has been inspected by a special inspector in accordance with section 4105.07 of the Revised Code.
(c) The nonrefundable fee for issuing or renewing a certificate of operation under section 4105.15 of the Revised Code for an escalator or moving walk is three hundred ninety-five dollars, except where the escalator or moving walk has been inspected by a special inspector in accordance with section 4105.07 of the Revised Code.
(4) Evidence of having passed a final inspection before operation of an elevator as required by section 4105.16 of the Revised Code.
(C) A certificate of operation for an elevator shall be renewed, subject to denial as set forth in this rule, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 4745. of the Revised Code, on or before a renewal expiration date for that certificate of operation for an elevator established by the superintendent of industrial compliance. The current certificate of operation shall be posted in the elevator or a copy shall be made available upon request.
(D) An application for a permit under section 4105.16 of the Revised Code for the erection, repair or removal to a different location of an elevator may be denied, suspended, or revoked, in accordance with Chapters 119. and 4105. of the Revised Code, for the following:
(1) Failure to submit a complete application as required by this rule;
(2) Failure to conform to the applicable standards for the construction, maintenance, and repair of elevators as established by the board of building standards under the authority granted in section 4105.011 of the Revised Code; or
(3) Falsification of any matter contained in the application.
(E) An application for a certificate of operation for an elevator may be denied, and a certificate of operation for an elevator may be suspended or revoked in accordance with Chapters 119. and 4105. of the Revised Code for the following:
(1) Failure to submit a complete application as required by this rule;
(2) Falsification of any matter contained in an application for the issuance or renewal of a certificate of operation for an elevator; or
(3) Failure to pass an inspection as required by Chapter 4105. of the Revised Code.
(F) The superintendent of industrial compliance may, upon written request by an applicant for a certificate of operation, issue a temporary certificate of operation for a period not to exceed ninety days. A temporary certificate of operation issued by the superintendent shall specify the terms and limitations on the use of the elevator under the temporary certificate.
(G) A permit issued for installation or alteration of an elevator shall automatically expire eighteen months from the date of issuance with no action taken from the elevator section unless the physical installation or alteration started before the end of the eighteenth month. One six-month permit extension may be granted upon a written request by the elevator owner, if the extension is requested prior to the permit expiration date. Upon expiration of a permit, a new application, new plans, pertinent data, and associated fees are required. Fees shall not be refunded for expired or canceled permits.
(H) An owner may take an elevator permanently out of service by completing each of the following:
(1) Disable the elevator as an "installation placed out of service," as described in the "Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators," ASME A 17.1 -2016, section or the edition most recently adopted by the board of building standards.
(2) Within thirty days of disabling an elevator as an " installation placed out of service" according to paragraph (H)(1) of this rule, notification shall be sent to the elevator section of the date of completion on a form prescribed by the elevator section.
(3) The owner shall not return the elevator to service until the elevator has passed a reinspection by the elevator section.


Ohio Admin. Code 1301:3-6-03
Effective: 12/30/2021
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 6/24/2026
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4105.12, 4105.17
Rule Amplifies: 4105.09, 4105.15, 4105.16, 4105.17
Prior Effective Dates: 10/13/2005, 04/11/2015, 07/22/2019, 07/02/2021

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