Ohio Admin. Code 3337-3-05 - Academic activity policies

(A) General
(1) Scope. The obligations of the teacher are self-evident. These obligations will be honored at Ohio university. Whenever questions arise about the relationship between faculty and student, those concerned should consult with the appropriate chairman or dean. Specific questions about administrative matters should also be addressed to chairmen or deans.
(2) Faculty absences. The teacher is expected to meet all classes for which he is scheduled. Members of the faculty who must be absent from teaching responsibilities shall have the approval of the chairman of the department and the dean of the college. If an absence can be anticipated, approval shall be obtained in advance and where possible, arrangements made for a substitute.
(3) Change of instructor, time, or place of meeting. Change of instructor, time, or place of meeting for a class as scheduled may be made only with the approval of the department chairman, the dean of the college, and the scheduling office. The dean shall report in writing all approved changes to the registration and scheduling offices.
(4) Information given class at first meeting.
(a) The call number, the descriptive title, and the department and catalog number of the course.
(b) Prerequisites to the course, if any.
(c) The name of the instructor offering the course.
(d) The penalty for dishonesty.
(e) An explanation of policy relative to absences.
(f) The basis for grading in the course.
(5) Class attendance policy.
(a) Because class attendance is an academic each instructor is responsible for his attendance policy. He will convey this policy to his students during the first week of classes each term. A written statement of his attendance policy will be transmitted to the chairman of his department. (It is noted that all classes will meet for their' full period on days immediately before and after vacation.)
(b) A student, whose name appears on a class list for a given quarter, but who has not attended the first two classes and who has not notified the instructor, may be dropped from the class roll.
(6) Class lists and record books. Faculty members shall make up their class rolls solely from the class lists issued from the registration office. Names of students who have withdrawn from class should* upon receipt of official notice of withdrawal, be crossed off the class roll. A grade of "WF" or "WP" should be submitted in accordance with instructions accompanying the notice of withdrawal.
(7) Office hours for student conferences. Members of the faculty are expected to maintain an adequate number of office hours in accordance with a posted schedule and by appointment.
(8) Texts. Textbook orders should go to the department chairmen for processing and forwarding to the bookstore services coordinator who delivers them to the bookstores. Individual faculty members are not permitted to sell textbooks or other classroom material directly to students. Duplicated materials prepared by the faculty for Sale to students are sold to students by "Logan's Book Store" and the "College Book Store" according to the agreement between the university and these stores.
(B) Final examinations and change of grade.,
(1) Final examinations.
(a) The schedule of final examinations is prepared by the scheduling office and each faculty member receives a copy through the campus mail. Deviations from this schedule can be made only with prior approval of the dean of the college and must be cleared with the scheduling office.
(b) The formal final examination, written in class, will be given in courses numbered three hundred or above at the discretion of the instructor. In its place, however, he may substitute some other method for bringing the course into focus and for evaluating the students. In either case, the instructor will continue to meet his class at the time the final examination is scheduled either to give the test or to receive the work which takes its place.
(c) If an instructor feels that the course objectives can be better met by some method other than the final examination, he will announce this plan to the class at the beginning of the quarter, and, along with his statement of attendance policy, inform the department chairman in writing of his intentions.
(d) Final examinations may not be given, nor final projects in lieu of an examination be required, at any time prior to the regular examination period. Students are entitled to this period for examination and/or project purposes, and should be so informed. If a student is made to take an examination or submit a final project prior to the stated final examination period, he should appeal to the dean of his college.
(e) In their last quarter on campus, graduating seniors may be excused from taking a final examination at the discretion of their professor. This will apply to classes below as well as above the three hundred level.
(2) Correction of grade. A grade reported to the office of records becomes official as soon as it is reported. A grade may be changed only when it can be clearly shown that an error has been made in making out or in reporting the grade. Satisfactory evidence of error in computation, copying, or recording must be presented to the director of records with the request to correct a grade.
(3) Appeals. The instructor assigned to a class has full responsibility for grading. A student may appeal through the chairman of the department to the dean of the college for redress of grievance, provided has conferred with his instructor on the subject. The appeal can then be taken to the student grievance board for its consideration and recommendation, if the student requests or the dean recommends such action. The board acts in an advisory capacity and the instructor should give careful consideration to any recommendation the board sees fit to make but the final determination of a grade or a grade change rests with the instructor. In unusual circumstances e.g., death, incapacity, or indefinite inaccessibility of the instructor-the department chairman is responsible for the final grade, subject to appeal by the student to the dean and the student grievance board.
(C) Participation in outside work.
(1) Members of the faculty are free to assist in research or scientific studies conducted by state, regional, and national educational and professional organizations, and in outside work of a professional nature. When such participation necessitates a reduction of teaching load and/or administrative responsibility, or when the expenditure of university funds is involved, it is necessary to secure official approval from the appropriate dean.
(2) All outside work of a professional nature by members of the faculty, not a part of the official duties, shall be reported to the dean of faculties and the president by the dean concerned. Members of the faculty shall, as soon as an agreement has been made or work has started, submit to their department head, dean, and the dean of faculties, reports on the nature and extent of outside work. If the outside employer requires the faculty member to sign a patent agreement, such agreement must have prior approval and must be worked out in accordance with the university policy on patents.
(3) In no case shall outside employment interfere with specified regular university duties and the effective service of the faculty member.
(4) In the event that a question arises about the conflict of outside work with effective service to the university, consultation with the faculty member shall be held by his department chairman and the academic dean. Decision by the dean, subject to review by the dean of facilities and by the president, shall be final on this point.
(5) If a faculty or staff member serving as a consultant to an outside agency or company requires the use of university facilities and/or equipment for purposes of consultantship, such usage shall be only on an occasional and brief basis, and only with permission of the department chairman or campus director. Such permission shall include agreement upon any appropriate provisions for liability and/or fees. Should more extensive or frequent usage be needed, the development of a grant or contract between the agency/company and the university would be appropriate.
(6) A student engaged in a project related to or part of a consultant's work should be paid by the consultant or the agency/company at a rate appropriate to the task and equivalent to the rate normally paid students for university-sponsored work.
(D) Course auditing privileges. Any member of the faculty may audit courses without fee, provided he has the approval of the dean of his college and the instructors of the courses.
(E) Faculty and administrator registration for graduate degrees.
(1) The dean of the graduate college and the graduate council will screen all applications for admission to graduate degree programs from faculty and administrators of Ohio university. In general, full-time faculty and full-time administrators will not be eligible to receive graduate degrees, although those persons already admitted to graduate degree-granting programs will be allowed to complete their degrees. Interpretations of this policy, and exceptions to it, shall be decided solely by the graduate council.
(2) A full-time faculty member or full-time administrator at Ohio university who 1(a) has already been admitted to a degree program; 2(b) is admitted under exceptional circumstances; or is enrolled-in a non-degree status 3(c) may, with the approval of his academic advisor and his supervisor, carry no more than a half-time load per quarter, as defined by the department, with the concurrence of the graduate college. Course loads taken during breaks in regular employment (such as summers for nine-month faculty) will be limited only by graduate college regulations.
(F) Travel and entertainment expense. It is the policy of Ohio university to reimburse its personnel for reasonable and necessary travel and entertainment expenses incurred in the conduct of official university business. Detailed regulations governing reporting and reimbursement of travel and entertainment expenses are published in the policies and procedures manual.
(G) Ohio university patent policy. Patentable discoveries sometimes result from research performed at Ohio university. It is the desire of the university to be as helpful as possible in protecting the patent rights of the faculty and researchers, students and employees, to the fullest extent compatible with the public interest and the rights of the university. To this end the university has set up a patents committee and has contracted for the patent management services of the "Research Corporation" and of the "Battelle Development Corporation" and has authorized the hiring of patent attorneys to file patent applications. Detailed description of university patent policies can be found in the policies and procedures manual.
(H) Course credit and grading in emergencies.
(1) In the event that an academic quarter is terminated prematurely and rule two is invoked by the board of regents, an entry on each student's record would be made indicating that the quarter has been terminated and that no credit or grades could be given.
(2) In the event that an academic quarter is terminated prematurely and rule two is not invoked by the board of regents, the following policies are in effect:
(a) Students with a record of non-attendance or who are delinquent in their work (missed quizzes, examinations, reports, etc.) at the discretion of their instructor may receive no credit or a failing grade for the term. Instructors shall notify such students of the reasons for receiving no credit or a failing grade.
(b) The amount of credit hours and the mode of completing the course shall be recommended by the instructor and approved by his department or a committee thereof. The specific grade will be assigned by the instructor.
(c) Policies developed in paragraph (H)(2)(b) above shall be placed in writing and a copy filed in the department office and in the office of the college dean, and a copy sent to each student involved. The faculty senate shall recommend a date by which course work should be completed and grades submitted.
(3) In the event that an academic quarter is temporarily interrupted and the full ten weeks of instruction are subsequently completed, normal grading policies will apply.
(I) Guidelines for sponsored research.
(1) Ohio university recognizes its responsibility to serve community (local, state, national, international) interests as it fulfills its basic educational objectives of undergraduate, graduate, and professional teaching, advanced research, and public service. It also recognizes its obligation as a center of higher learning to extend and understand knowledge in order that human life and liberty be preserved and enriched, not degraded or destroyed. The rights to engage in scholarly activity, to pursue individual intellectual inquiry, and to publish and communicate are basic to these objectives and obligations of the university and its scholars. It is in this context that the university appraises its sponsored research programs and encourages and assists its faculty through the research institute.
(2) The policies of the university with respect to sponsored research are based on the following principles:
(a) Any sponsored research that is to be undertaken must be demonstrably supportive of the instructional and research objectives of the departments, centers, and institutes in which the research is to be conducted. Proposals for research will be reviewed, weighing needs and benefits against costs and restrictions, to determine their acceptability.
(b) The university does not accept sponsored research, the restrictions on which prevent disclosure of the sponsor, the existence of the contract, or adequate review of the appropriateness of the program to academic pursuits of the university.
(c) The university, through the office of the director of research, in concert with the principal investigator, his department and college, will seek to minimize restrictions on publication and scholarly communication imposed by those research contracts that are accepted.
(d) The graduate college does not accept theses or dissertations containing material developed as part of a research project if the theses or dissertations are restricted from publication. Publications, for this purpose, includes depositing the manuscript with the graduate college, the department, and cataloging by the dean library, microfilming and distribution by university microfilms.
(e) The university will accept research contracts at the request of the federal government which go beyond the immediate research interests of faculty members and their departments only under the most pressing demands of national interest and welfare.
(f) The university does not accept sponsored programs requiring the university to be involved directly in the development of weapons or weapons systems.
(J) Policy for faculty participation in instructional t.v. production. It is the policy of Ohio university to encourage educational innovation and experimentation in the use of techniques which improve instructional effectiveness and efficiency. Television should be one of the educational tools available to the student and the teacher. Detailed description of this policy can be found in the policy and procedure manual.


Ohio Admin. Code 3337-3-05
Effective: 3/14/2015
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 111.15
Rule Amplifies: 111.15
Prior Effective Dates: 3/16/1978

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.