Ohio Admin. Code 3701:1-46-32 - Radioactive material contained in devices for use under rule 3701:1-46-05 of the Administrative Code: material transfer reports and records

Each person licensed under rule 3701:1-46-30 of the Administrative Code to initially transfer devices to generally licensed persons shall:

(A) Report all transfers of devices to persons for use under the general license in rule 3701:1-46-05 of the Administrative Code and all receipts of devices from persons licensed under rule 3701:1-46-05 of the Administrative Code to the director in a clear and legible report containing all of the data required by the form.
(1) The required information includes:
(a) The identity of each general licensee by name and mailing address for the location of use; if there is no mailing address for the location of use, an alternate address for the general licensee shall be submitted along with information on the actual location of use.
(b) The name, title, and phone number of the person identified by the general licensee as having knowledge of and authority to take required actions to ensure compliance with the appropriate rules and requirements;
(c) The date of transfer;
(d) The type, model number, and serial number of the device transferred; and
(e) The quantity and type of radioactive material contained in the device.
(2) If one or more intermediate persons will temporarily possess the device at the intended place of use before its possession by the user, the report must include the same information for both the intended user and each intermediate person, and clearly designate the intermediate person(s).
(3) For devices received from a general licensee under rule 3701:1-46-05 of the Administrative Code, the report must include the identity of the general licensee by name and address, the type, model number, and serial number of the device received, the date of receipt, and, in the case of devices not initially transferred by the reporting licensee, the name of the manufacturer or initial transferor.
(4) If the licensee makes changes to a device possessed by a general licensee under rule 3701:1-46-05 of the Administrative Code, such that the label must be changed to update required information, the report must identify the general licensee, the device, and the changes to information on the device label.
(5) The report must cover each calendar quarter, must be filed within thirty days of the end of the calendar quarter, and must clearly indicate the period covered by the report.
(6) The report must clearly identify the specific licensee submitting the report and include the license number of the specific licensee.
(7) If no transfers have been made to or from persons generally licensed under rule 3701:1-46-05 of the Administrative Code during the reporting period, the report must so indicate.
(B) Report to the responsible regulatory agency, United States nuclear regulatory commission, or agreement state all transfers of devices to persons for use under a general license issued in accordance with the regulations of the United States nuclear regulatory commission, or an agreement state that are equivalent to rule 3701:1-46-05 of the Administrative Code and all receipts of devices from general licensees under the jurisdiction of the United States nuclear regulatory commission, or an agreement state.. The report must be in a clear and legible format containing all of the data required by the form.
(1) The required information for transfers to general licensees includes:
(a) The identity of each general licensee by name and mailing address for the location of use; if there is no mailing address for the location of use, an alternate address for the general licensee shall be submitted along with information on the actual location of use.
(b) The name, title, and phone number of the person identified by the general licensee as having knowledge of and authority to take required actions to ensure compliance with the appropriate rules and requirements;
(c) The date of transfer;
(d) The type, model number, and serial number of the device transferred; and
(e) The quantity and type of radioactive material contained in the device.
(2) If one or more intermediate persons will temporarily possess the device at the intended place of use before its possession by the user, the report must include the same information for both the intended user and each intermediate person, and clearly designate the intermediate person(s).
(3) For devices received from a general licensee, the report must include the identity of the general licensee by name and address, the type, model number, and serial number of the device received, the date of receipt, and, in the case of devices not initially transferred by the reporting licensee, the name of the manufacturer or initial transferor.
(4) If the licensee makes changes to a device possessed by a general licensee, such that the label must be changed to update required information, the report must identify the general licensee, the device, and the changes to information on the device label.
(5) The report must cover each calendar quarter, must be filed within thirty days of the end of the calendar quarter, and must clearly indicate the period covered by the report.
(6) The report must clearly identify the specific licensee submitting the report and must include the license number of the specific licensee.
(7) If no transfers have been made to or from the United States nuclear regulatory commission or a particular agreement state jurisdiction during the reporting period, this information shall be reported to the United States nuclear regulatory commission or the responsible agreement state agency upon request of the agency.
(C) Maintain all information concerning transfers and receipts of devices that supports the reports required by this rule. Records required by this paragraph must be kept for a period of three years following the date of the recorded event.


Ohio Admin. Code 3701:1-46-32
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 5/23/2022 and 05/23/2027
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3748.04
Rule Amplifies: 3748.04
Prior Effective Dates: 10/20/2002, 01/20/2008, 12/10/2012
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 03/29/2017 and 11/01/2020
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3748.04
Rule Amplifies: 3748.04
Prior Effective Dates: 10/20/2002, 1/20/08, 12/1/12

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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