Ohio Admin. Code 4703:1-1-06 - Continuing education

(A) Definitions.
(1) "Contact hour" - a contact hour is at least fifty minutes of participation in an approved course or activity.
(2) "Qualified/certified" - shall mean activities approved for contact hours by any of the organizations in this rule.
(3) Approved providers: the imprimatur of any of these organizations in this rule shall constitute official acceptance by the board:
(a) Landscape architects continuing education system;
(b) American society of landscape architects;
(c) Council of landscape architect registration boards;
(d) Ohio landscape architects board;
(e) Urban land institute;
(f) American nursery and landscape association
(g) American planning association;
(h) National society of professional engineers;
(i) National recreation and parks association;
(j) American institute of architects;
(k) Agencies of the state or federal government offering training programs in landscape architecture;
(l) Coursework in landscape architecture at a university or college;
(m) Other related technical/professional societies or organizations, including local, state or regional affiliates, chapters, components or sections whose programs have been certified by any of the above organizations.
(4) "Structured educational activities" - organized educational activities in which at least seventy-five per cent of an activity's content and instructional time must be devoted to subject matter related to the practice of landscape architecture, including seminars, classes, workshops, conferences and the like, and provided by qualified individuals or organizations, whether delivered by direct contact or distance learning, and performed outside the normal performance of one's occupation.
(B) General requirements.
(1) Contact hours.

Every landscape architect shall complete a minimum of twenty-four contact hours of continuing education prior to the end of each renewal period.

(2) Health, safety and welfare hours.

A minimum of sixteen of the twenty-four hours shall be structured health, safety and welfare hours as defined in this rule.

(3) Continuing education required to renew or restore.

The completion of these hours shall be a condition of renewal of the landscape architect's registration.

An application for renewal or restoration of a license may not be submitted unless the continuing education requirement has been completely fulfilled or the registrant has been exempted from the continuing education requirement by the board.

(C) Exemptions.

A landscape architect may be exempt, upon board review and approval, from the continuing education requirement in any of the following situations:

(1) Newly licensed by exam.

Landscape architects newly licensed by examination by the state of Ohio are exempt from the continuing education requirements for their initial period of licensure only. This exemption does not apply to reciprocal registrants.

(2) Military duty.

A licensee A landscape architect may be exempt from some or all of the continuing education requirements of this rule if the landscape architect is subject to the provisions of rule 4703:1-1-07 of the Administrative Code. The landscape architect must seek exemption from the board in accordance with rule 4703:1-1-07 of the Administrative Code using the prescribed form and attach all paperwork to be considered.

(3) Unable to practice.

A The landscape architect may be exempt from some or all of the continuing education requirements of this rule if the landscape architect has experienced a physical disability, illness, or other extenuating circumstances that, which in the board's judgment, temporarily or permanently prevents the landscape architect from completing the requirements. Upon filing a request with the board on the form prescribed, the The landscape architect may be excused from some or all of the continuing education requirements shall provide supporting documentation for the board's review and approval.

(4) A The landscape architect is permanently exempted from the continuing education requirements of this rule if the landscape architect has been granted emeritus status by the board.
(D) Content requirements.

Acceptable activities include those that increase the landscape architect's knowledge and/or understanding of technical or professional subjects and contribute directly to the improvement of the landscape architect's professional knowledge and competence to practice landscape architecture.

(1) Health, safety and welfare topics

Health, safety and welfare topics as those topics in which at least seventy-five per cent of the subject matter applies the principles of mathematical, physical, and social sciences in consultation, evaluation, planning, design (including, but not limited to the preparation and filing of plans, drawings, specifications, and other contract documents), and administration of contracts relative to projects principally directed at the functional and aesthetic use and preservation of land.

Acceptable subject matter includes:

(a) Building codes;
(b) Code of ethics;
(c) Codes, acts, laws and regulations governing the practice of landscape architecture;
(d) Construction administration, including construction contracts;
(e) Construction documents;
(f) Design of environmental systems;
(g) Environmental processes and analysis;
(h) Erosion control methods;
(i) Grading;
(j) Horticulture;
(k) Irrigation methods;
(l) Land planning and use;
(m) Landscape preservation, landscape restoration and adaptive reuse;
(n) Lateral forces;
(o) Natural hazards - impact of earthquake, hurricane, fire or flood related to site design;
(p) Pedestrian and vehicular circulation;
(q) Planting design;
(r) Resource conservation and management;
(s) Roadway design principles;
(t) Site accessibility, including Americans with Disabilities Act standards for accessible site design;
(u) Site and soils analysis;
(v) Site design and engineering, including materials, methods, technologies and applications;
(w) Site security and safety;
(x) Storm water management, surface and subsoil drainage;
(y) Structural systems considerations;
(z) Surveying methods and techniques as they affect landscape architecture;
(aa) Sustainable design, including techniques related to energy efficiency;
(bb) Use of site materials and methods of site construction;
(cc) Vegetative management;
(dd) Wetlands;
(ee) Zoning as it relates to the improvement and/or protection of the public health, safety and welfare of the public;
(2) The following topics are not considered health, safety and welfare topics:
(a) Accounting/financial planning;
(b) Basic autoCAD;
(c) Expanding a design professional's business;
(d) General office management;
(e) Insurance;
(f) Laws related to arbitration, mediation, liens, real estate, real estate development;
(g) Limiting the design professional's liability;
(h) Marketing and public relations;
(i) Personal development;
(j) Project management related to profitability and maximizing fees;
(k) Risk management;
(l) Succession planning.
(E) Methods for fulfilling continuing education requirements.

A landscape architect may earn the required contact hours by any of the following methods, except that credit shall be awarded only once in a renewal period for the same program with the same content:

(1) Attending a graduate or undergraduate level course at an accredited institution of higher learning where academic credit is granted and the content meets the requirements set forth in paragraph (D) of this rule. Credit: twelve continuing education credits for each one hour of academic credit received.
(2) Attending a course, program, seminar, conference, workshop or similar event where it is presented, sponsored, or approved by: an accredited institution of higher learning, a professional organization, and has been qualified/certified as defined in this rule. Credit: one hour of continuing education credit for each hour of actual contact time of instruction provided.
(3) Teaching, on a part-time basis, a graduate or undergraduate course in landscape architecture in a landscape architecture program which is part of an accredited institution of higher learning. Credit: twelve hours of continuing education credit for each one hour of academic credit provided by the course, except that the maximum credit may not exceed more than fifty per cent of the required continuing education credit of the renewal period.


(5)(4) Authoring relevant published papers, articles, or books. Credit: one hour per paper, article or book.
(6)(5) Receiving a patent award. Credit: one hour per patent award.
(7)(6) Actively participating in professional or technical societies serving the landscape architecture profession. Not eligible for health, safety and welfare credit. Credit: one hour per renewal period.
(F) Records to be maintained by the landscape architect.

Each landscape architect shall, in addition to information submitted to the board, maintain written records acceptable to the board of all continuing education courses or programs undertaken.

Records shall be made available at any time to the board upon written request for review and audit.

Records shall be maintained for six years.

Records may be requested at any time in connection with an investigation or enforcement proceeding.

Failure to provide the requested information in the time frame established by the board shall constitute cause for disciplinary action by the board and may be cause for fines, reprimand, suspension revocation or denial of the application for renewal of the landscape architect's registration.

Appropriate records shall consist of the following:

(1) Certificate of attendance or completion;


(3)(2) Transcripts/records of credits maintained by providers who may qualify/certify such credits and activities.
(4)(3) Other documentation acceptable to the board and which verifies the content, date, and duration in hours of the course or event.
(G) Audit.

Upon request, each landscape architect shall provide proof of satisfying the continuing education requirement. Failure to provide the requested information in the time frame established by the board shall constitute cause for fines, reprimand, suspension, revocation or denial of the application for renewal of the landscape architect's registration.

(H) Disallowance.

If the board disallows one or more continuing education activities claimed, the landscape architect has up to sixty days after the notification to substantiate the original claim or to complete other continuing education activities sufficient to meet the minimum requirements.

(I) Landscape architect shall attest to compliance.

Every landscape architect shall attest, in the manner prescribed by the board, to the landscape architect's meeting of the requirements as described herein. Said attestation shall accompany the renewal application.

(J) Falsification.

Any landscape architect falsifying the records of the landscape architect's continuing education activities shall be subject to disciplinary action by the board.

(K) Appeal.

A landscape architect shall have the right to appeal any refusal by the board to accept continuing educational activities for credit under these requirements. This appeal shall be conducted in accordance with Chapter 119 of the Revised Code, and shall include the presentation of evidence supporting the landscape architect's contention that the activity meets the requirements of this rule.

(L) Requirements for lapsed and reinstating applicants.

A landscape architect whose license has lapsed, and who desires to reinstate that license, must submit, with the reinstatement application, proof of completion of twenty-four hours of continuing education within the twenty-four months prior to the date the application is received.


Ohio Admin. Code 4703:1-1-06
Effective: 7/25/2022
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 4/4/2022 and 01/01/2027
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4703.33
Rule Amplifies: 4703.36
Prior Effective Dates: 08/18/2005, 11/10/2006, 10/01/2008, 01/21/2010, 01/10/2015

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