Ohio Admin. Code 4732-3-01 - Definitions

(A) As used in agency 4732 of the Administrative Code, the terms "psychologist," "the practice of psychology," "psychological procedures," "school psychologist," "practice of school psychology," "licensed psychologist," "licensed school psychologist," and "school psychologist licensed by the state board of education" have the same meanings as set forth in section 4732.01 of the Revised Code.
(B) The practice of psychology or school psychology, as distinct from the performance of psychological or school psychological tasks, includes but is not restricted to the use of the title "psychologist" or "school psychologist licensed by the state board of psychology" and/or the exercise of the professional judgments of psychological or school psychological diagnosis, psychological or school psychological prescription, or psychological or school psychological client supervision.
(1) "Psychological or school psychological diagnosis" is the determination, after study, analysis, and description, that a problem is a psychological problem.
(2) "Psychological or school psychological prescription" is the determination of which psychological procedures should be applied for the prevention, treatment or amelioration of psychological problems.
(3) "Psychological or school psychological client supervision" is the determination of when, in what sequence, and to what degree particular approaches for dealing with the psychological problem of the client shall be initiated, continued, or discontinued. It may include the evaluation and management of patients and psychological effects to determine if prescribed medications might be helpful in alleviating their psychological symptoms and referring a client to a physician for prescription medication(s) if that is in the best interest of the client. When a client is on a prescribed medication, the psychologist may evaluate and monitor the psychological effects of that medication to determine the psychological effects of such medications on the patient, in a consultative relationship with the prescribing physician.
(C) "Consultative relationship" with a physician licensed to practice medicine, as used in section 4732.20 of the Revised Code:
(1) Shall mean that when a licensed psychologist judges the medical problems of his/her client to warrant medical attention, he/she will either determine that the client is under the medical care of a physician or offer to assist the client to obtain the medical help of an appropriate physician, and shall consult with that physician as the psychologist deems necessary for the client's welfare, consonant with section 4732.19 of the Revised Code, relative to privileged communication.
(2) Shall not be interpreted to imply that the physician is to supervise the licensed psychologist or is necessarily to be the source of referrals of patients/clients to the licensed psychologist.
(3) May include evaluating and managing the psychological effects of various medications on a patient who has been prescribed medications by a physician and reporting, as appropriate for the welfare of the patient, that information to the prescribing physician.
(D) "Board" shall mean the state board of psychology.
(E) "Accredited or recognized by a regional or national accrediting agency" or "accredited educational institution" means that an educational institution meets prescribed standards that are necessary to qualify its graduates for consideration for licensure pursuant to section 4732.10 of the Revised Code or for approval by the board pursuant to division (A)(2) of section 4732.22 of the Revised Code. Pursuant to section 4732.10 of the Revised Code, notwithstanding applicants applying for admission to examination for a psychologist license under division (B)(3)(b), (B)(3)(c), or (B)(3) (d) of section 4732.10 of the Revised Code, all applicants for licensure shall provide evidence of an earned doctoral degree from an accredited educational institution as defined in this paragraph and from a graduate program holding academic program accreditation as that term is defined in paragraph (G) of this rule.
(F) "National or regional accrediting agencies" means one of the following agencies or its successor organization:
(1) "Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools - Commission on Higher Education"
(2) "New England Association of Schools and Colleges Commission on Higher Education"
(3) "North Central Association of Colleges and Schools" "Higher Learning Commission"
(4) "Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges Commission on Colleges and Universities"
(5) "Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges"
(6) "Western Association of Schools and Colleges - Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges" "WASC Senior College and University Commission"
(G) "Academic program accreditation" means that the doctoral degree granting program holds "accreditation," "designation," or "approval" by one or more of the following entities:
(1) "The American psychological association office of program consultation and accreditation";
(2) The accreditation office of the Canadian psychological association;

(3) The association of state and provincial psychology boards/national register designation committee;

(4) (3) The national association of school psychologists.
(H) "Applicant" means any person who applies to the board for licensure pursuant to section 4732.10 of the Revised Code or for approval of the board pursuant to division (A)(2) of section 4732.22 of the Revised Code.
(I) "He" or "she" and "his" or "her" shall be interpreted to mean or include the pronoun of the other gender where appropriate.
(J) Direct effect on client welfare in teaching or research situations, as specified in division (B) of section 4732.01 of the Revised Code, shall mean:
(1) Classroom discussions and/or demonstrations which extend to the participation of students in psychotherapy sessions based upon disclosure of the student's own personal experiences and/or personality traits; and/or
(2) Use in a classroom, practicum, or other instructional or research context by the instructor, the researcher, a student or a research subject of any procedure that:
(a) Creates a likelihood of psychological and/or physical harm or danger, and/or
(b) Utilizes the manipulative distortion, delay, or withholding of information in a manner that may have damaging psychological consequences, and/or
(c) Intentionally elicits, without safeguards for anonymity, personal and confidential information that could have psychologically damaging consequences for the participant should it be acquired by others; and/or
(3) Use or supervision by the instructor or the researcher in any context involving students, research subjects, or others, of any procedure defined in rule 4732-5-01 of the Administrative Code as creating a serious hazard to mental health and requiring professional expertise in psychology.
(K) "Mental disorder" is a dysfunction of the mind such that, according to the nature and degree of the disorder, a person loses or lacks capacity to adapt his/her own behavior to effective ends of survival, satisfaction or comfort. Such disorders may take many forms and have varying causes of an organic or environmental type. Descriptions of mental disorders found in nosologies such as the "International Classification of Diseases" (ICD), the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" (DSM), and the "Psychopathological Disorders in Childhood: Theoretical Considerations and a Proposed Classification, Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry" (GAP) are examples of classifications of such mental disorders.
(L) "Serious hazard to mental health" occurs where an individual is at substantial risk of developing a mental disorder or to be at substantial risk of increasing the severity of an existing mental disorder.
(M) "Client," as used in agency 4732 of the Administrative Code, means a patient or that person's legal guardian representative or any other receiver of psychological services, including individuals, groups, and organizations.
(N) "Continuing education" (CE), as used in agency 4732 of the Administrative Code, is the process through which psychologists and school psychologists acquire new knowledge and skills relevant to their work, gain new competencies concerning psychological concepts and techniques, or improve current competencies and skills by completion of approved and documented educational experiences.
(O) "Authorized approving organization," as used in agency 4732 of the Administrative Code, means the board, the "Ohio Psychological Association," the "American Psychological Association," the "Ohio School Psychologists Association," the "National Association of School Psychologists," or the "Ohio Association of Black Psychologists," as these are set forth in division (B)(1) of section 4732.141 of the Revised Code.
(P) "Hours of CE credits" means:
(1) The number of CE hours approved and recorded for each license holder by the "Ohio Psychological Association" or the "Ohio School Psychologists Association" and reported to the board by one of those associations; or
(2) The number of hours determined by the board in accordance with rules 4732-2-01 and /or 4732-2-02 of the Administrative Code.
(Q) "Evaluee," as used in agency 4732 of the Administrative Code, means a person evaluated by a license holder or supervisee pursuant to a third party referral from a court, other adjudicative body, or other agency or organization when the referring party might serve as the client for the purpose of receiving a report of services specific to the person(s) evaluated.
(R) A "professional psychological role," as used in agency 4732 of the Administrative Code, exists when a psychologist renders directly or through supervision to an individual, group, organization, or the public any service involving the application of psychological procedures to the assessment, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, or amelioration of psychological problems or emotional or mental disorders; or to the assessment or improvement of psychological adjustment or functioning of individuals or groups, whether or not there is a diagnosable pre-existing psychological problem. A professional psychological role exists when school psychological services are rendered. A professional psychological role exists when a license holder is in an evaluative role concerning a student's academic and/or applied performance in any work or training setting, and when a license holder is in a supervisory relationship with a person under psychological work supervision or psychological training supervision. For the purposes of this rule, professional psychological roles do not include teaching or research even when dealing with psychological subject matter, provided that it does not otherwise involve rendering or offering to render professional services in which patient or client welfare is directly affected.
(S) "Telepsychology" means the practice of psychology or school psychology as those terms are defined in divisions (B) and (E) of section 4732.01 of the Revised Code, including psychological and school psychological supervision, by distance communication technology such as but not necessarily limited to telephone, email, Internet-based communications, and videoconferencing.
(T) "License holder" means a licensed psychologist or licensed school psychologist.


Ohio Admin. Code 4732-3-01
Effective: 11/25/2019
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 9/4/2019 and 09/01/2024
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4732.06
Rule Amplifies: 4732.01, 4732.06, 4732.10, 4732.14, 4732.141, 4732.19, 4732.20, 4732.22
Prior Effective Dates: 12/30/1977, 10/01/1990, 09/30/1996, 07/15/2000, 11/01/2007, 01/08/2010, 11/07/2011, 06/08/2015, 01/16/2017

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