Ohio Admin. Code 901:1-17-10 - Slaughter animals

(A) Cattle, bison, and cervidae may be imported into Ohio for slaughter without a certificate of veterinary inspection under the following conditions:
(1) Originate from an accredited free state or zone and a certified free state; and
(a) Are consigned to a USDA approved livestock market licensed under Chapter 943. of the Revised Code; or
(b) Move directly to slaughter; or
(2) Originate from a modified accredited advanced state or zone; and
(a) Move directly to slaughter; and
(b) Are not diverted en route and are not in conflict with any other rules of this chapter; or
(3) Originate from a modified accredited or accreditation preparatory state or zone; and
(a) Obtain a permit; and
(b) Move directly to slaughter; and
(c) Are not diverted en route and are not in conflict with any other rules of this chapter; or
(4) Originate from a non-accredited state or zone; and
(a) Be accompanied by a VS form 1-27 listing the state/federal slaughtering establishment which the animals are consigned to; and
(b) Be moved interstate in a USDA /APHIS/VS officially sealed means of conveyance.
(B) Goats may be imported into Ohio for slaughter without a certificate of veterinary inspection under the following conditions:
(1) Are not known to be under any movement restrictions because of scrapie; and
(2) If eighteen months of age or older must be identified with official identification prior to being commingled; and
(3) Originate from a bovine tuberculosis an accredited free state or zone and certified free state; and
(a) Are consigned to a livestock market licensed under Chapter 943. of the Revised Code and sold for slaughter only; or
(b) Move directly to slaughter; or
(4) Originate from a bovine tuberculosis modified accredited advanced state or zone; and
(a) Move directly to slaughter; or
(b) Are not diverted en route and are not in conflict with any other rules of this chapter; or
(5) Originate from a bovine tuberculosis modified accredited or accreditation preparatory state or zone; and
(a) Obtain a permit; and
(b) Move directly to slaughter; and
(c) Are not diverted en route and are not in conflict with any other rules of this chapter; or
(6) Originate from a non-accredited state or zone; and
(a) Are accompanied by a VS USDA form 1-27 listing the state/federal state or federal slaughtering establishment which the animals are consigned to; and
(b) Are moved interstate in USDA /APHIS/VS officially sealed means of conveyance.
(C) Sheep may be imported into Ohio for slaughter without a certificate of veterinary inspection under the following conditions:
(1) The animals move directly to slaughter; or
(2) The animals are consigned to a livestock market licensed under Chapter 943. of the Revised Code and are sold for slaughter only; and
(3) (a) Are not known to be under any movement restrictions because of scrapie; and
(4) (b) If eighteen months of age or older must be identified with official individual identification as outlined by paragraph (C) of rule 901:1-17-08 of the Administrative Code prior to being commingled with other animals.
(D) Other species of animals may be imported into Ohio for slaughter without a certificate of veterinary inspection , provided that: such
(1) The animals are destined for immediate slaughter; and such animals shall not be diverted en route and shall not be in conflict in any manner with any other rules of this chapter; and
(2) The animals shall not be diverted en route; and
(3) Shall not be in conflict in any manner with any other rules of this chapter.

(E) Any persons wishing to import animals into Ohio which do not meet the requirements of this rule may apply to the chief, division of animal health for a permit as provided in paragraph (P) of rule 901:1-17-01 of the Administrative Code.


Ohio Admin. Code 901:1-17-10
Effective: 2/12/2018
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 11/28/2017 and 02/12/2023
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 941.10
Rule Amplifies: 941.041, 941.07, 941.09, 941.02
Prior Effective Dates: 2/12/1972, 6/15/1998, 8/15/2001, 4/11/2005, 12/01/2011

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