Ohio Admin. Code 901:13-3-03 - Notice of elections (successor elections)

(A) Due notice of annual elections of successors shall be given to the public and contain the following information: names
(1) The names and addresses of the nominees as certified by the Ohio soil and water conservation commission, ; the time and place for casting absentee ballots, and the time and place of the official election.
(2) The dates, times, and locations where individuals may cast in-person ballots;
(3) The method for requesting and receiving absentee ballots; and
(4) The date by which absentee ballots must be postmarked and received.
(B) Due notice is given and shall have been achieved when such notice has been published at least seven but not more than thirty days once not more than three weeks and not less than one week prior to the conduct of the election: within
(1) Within one or more newspapers of general circulation within the boundaries of the district in which such election is being conducted; or . Such notices shall conform to the prescribed form provided by the Ohio soil and water conservation commission.
(2) On the district's website.
(C) All notices shall conform to the prescribed form provided by the Ohio soil and water conservation commission which can be located on the Ohio department of agriculture's website www.agri.ohio.gov .

Replaces: OAC 901:13-3-02


Ohio Admin. Code 901:13-3-03
Effective: 5/11/2020
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 1/27/2020 and 05/11/2025
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: R.C. 940.02
Rule Amplifies: R.C. 940.02
Prior Effective Dates: 01/02/1977, 07/22/2004, 12/31/2015 (Emer.), 04/01/2016

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.