Chapter 3772-50 - Skill-based Amusement Machine

  1. § 3772-50-01 - Definitions
  2. § 3772-50-02 - Authority and purpose
  3. § 3772-50-03 - General licensing requirements
  4. § 3772-50-04 - Skill-based amusement machine vendor licensure
  5. § 3772-50-05 - [Rescinded] Skill-based amusement machine key employee licensure
  6. § 3772-50-06 - Type-B skill- based amusement machine operator licensure
  7. § 3772-50-07 - Type-C skill-based amusement machine operator licensure
  8. § 3772-50-08 - Type-C skill-based amusement machine location licensure
  9. § 3772-50-09 - [Rescinded] Registration of operation of skill-based amusement machine
  10. § 3772-50-10 - Waivers and variances
  11. § 3772-50-11 - [Rescinded] Duty to update information
  12. § 3772-50-12 - Filing requirements
  13. § 3772-50-13 - Record retention requirements
  14. § 3772-50-14 - Inspection and audits
  15. § 3772-50-15 - Advertising
  16. § 3772-50-16 - Prohibited activities
  17. § 3772-50-17 - Duties of skill-based amusement machine vendors
  18. § 3772-50-18 - Duties of type-B skill-based amusement machine operators
  19. § 3772-50-19 - Duties of type-C skill-based amusement machine operators
  20. § 3772-50-20 - Duties of type-C skill-based amusement machine locations
  21. § 3772-50-21 - Independent skill-based amusement machine testing labotatory certification
  22. § 3772-50-22 - [Rescinded] Conditions of skill-based amusement machine testing laboratory certification
  23. § 3772-50-23 - [Rescinded] Duties of certified independent skill-based amusement machine testing laboratories
  24. § 3772-50-24 - Skill-based amusement machine standards
  25. § 3772-50-25 - Approval and testing
  26. § 3772-50-26 - Skill-based amusement machine tournaments
  27. § 3772-50-27 - Hearings
  28. § 3772-50-28 - Sanctions

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.