Chapter 5703-25 - Equalization - Appraisals

  1. § 5703-25-01 - Public notice of any proposed change in rules
  2. § 5703-25-05 - Definitions
  3. § 5703-25-06 - Equalization procedures
  4. § 5703-25-07 - Appraisals
  5. § 5703-25-08 - Procedure prior to actual appraisal
  6. § 5703-25-09 - Adoption and use of property records
  7. § 5703-25-10 - Classification of real property and coding of records
  8. § 5703-25-11 - Valuation of land
  9. § 5703-25-12 - Valuation of buildings, structures, fixtures and improvements to land
  10. § 5703-25-13 - Review of appraisal
  11. § 5703-25-14 - Documents to be filed in the county auditor's office
  12. § 5703-25-15 - [Rescinded] Documents to be filed with the department of taxation
  13. § 5703-25-16 - Procedure after reappraisal or update
  14. § 5703-25-17 - [Rescinded] Application of rules
  15. § 5703-25-18 - Partial exemption from real property tax
  16. § 5703-25-30 - Definitions
  17. § 5703-25-31 - General
  18. § 5703-25-32 - Agricultural advisory committee
  19. § 5703-25-33 - Current agricultural use value of land table or tables
  20. § 5703-25-34 - Use of prescribed agricultural use value of land tables by county auditor
  21. § 5703-25-35 - Determination of current agricultural use taxable value of land and total taxable value of parcels in counties that completed sexennial reappraisals for tax year 1972 or later
  22. § 5703-25-36 - Application of rules
  23. § 5703-25-45 - Tax reduction factor; computation; minimum for schools
  24. § 5703-25-46 - Tax reduction factor; certification; composite factor
  25. § 5703-25-47 - Tax reduction factor; allocating taxes collected from each tax levy
  26. § 5703-25-48 - Tax reduction factor; estimated factors; correcting errors
  27. § 5703-25-49 - Tax reduction factor; emergency school levy phase-in
  28. § 5703-25-55 - Real estate assessment fund; expenditures; allowable; disallowable; procedures
  29. § 5703-25-56 - Real estate assessment fund; competitive bidding requirement

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.