Title 230 - State Election Board
- Chapter 10 - The County Election Board (Subchapter 1 to 7)
- Chapter 15 - Voter Registration (Subchapter 1 to 11)
- Chapter 20 - Candidate Filing (Subchapter 1 to 11)
- Chapter 25 - Ballot Printing (Subchapter 1 to 21)
- Chapter 30 - Absentee Voting (Subchapter 1 to 23)
- Chapter 35 - Election Conduct (Subchapter 1 to 11)
- Chapter 40 - Types of Elections (Subchapter 1 to 9)
- Chapter 45 - Contests of Election (Subchapter 1 to 7)
- Chapter 50 - Automated Systems (Subchapter 1 to 9)
- Chapter 55 - Help America Vote Act Procedures [Expired] (Subchapter 1 to 9)
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.