Chapter 30 - Medical Providers-Fee for Service

  1. Subchapter 1 - General Provisions (§ 317:30-1-1 to 317:30-1-4)
  2. Subchapter 3 - General Provider Policies (Part 1 to 6)
  3. Subchapter 5 - Individual Providers and Specialties (Part 1 to 114)
  4. Subchapter 7 - Billing and Inquiries [Revoked] (§ 317:30-7-1 to 317:30-7-9)
  5. Appendix A - Risk Levels for Providers


Codified 7-27-95
Authority: Federal Social Security Act, Title XIX; Titles XVIII and XIX; Child Health Act; Title V; Civil Rights Act of 1964; Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Part 90); Age Discrimination Act of 1975; Education Amendments of 1972, Title IX; P.L. 88-352; P.L. 93-112; P.L. 99-456; 31 U.S.C.A. 6101; Presidential Executive Orders 11246, 11375, and 12549; 42 CFR, §§ 405.2426, 431.54, 416.30-49, 440.100, 440.130, 440.140, 440.170, and 442 (Subparts E and G); 45 CFR, Part 93; 10 O.S., §§ 175.1 and 1415.1; 56 O.S., §§ 162.3, 164(c), and 175; 59 O.S., § 567.3(4); 63 O.S., §§ 1-1901 et seq. and 5003 through 5016; 68 O.S., § 1305; Laws 2002, c.470

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.