Title 450 - Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services

  1. Chapter 1 - Administration (Subchapter 1 to 13)
  2. Chapter 10 - Standards and Criteria for Alcohol, Drug, Domestic Violence, and Mental Health Programs [REVOKED] (Subchapter 1 to 11)
  3. Chapter 11 - Standards and Criteria for Substance Abuse Services [REVOKED] (Subchapter 1 to 27)
  4. Chapter 12 - Standards and Criteria for Residential Care Facilities [REVOKED] (Subchapter 1 to 29)
  5. Chapter 13 - Standards and Criteria for Community Mental Health Services [REVOKED] (Subchapter 1 to 25)
  6. Chapter 14 - Standards and Criteria for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Programs [REVOKED] (Subchapter 1 to 17)
  7. Chapter 15 - Consumer Rights (Subchapter 1 to 9)
  8. Chapter 16 - Standards and Criteria for Community Residential Mental Health Facilities (Subchapter 1 to 30)
  9. Chapter 17 - Standards and Criteria For Community Mental Health Centers (Subchapter 1 to 27)
  10. Chapter 18 - Standards and Criteria for Substance Related and Addictive Disorder Treatment Services (Subchapter 1 to 17)
  11. Chapter 19 - Standards and Criteria for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Programs [Transferred] (Subchapter 1 to 15)
  12. Chapter 20 - Support Services [REVOKED] (Subchapter 1 to 17)
  13. Chapter 21 - Alcohol and Drug Substance Abuse Courses (ADSAC) and Assessments (Subchapter 1 to 7)
  14. Chapter 22 - [Revoked] (§ 450:22-1-1 to 450:22-1-22)
  15. Chapter 23 - Standards and Criteria for Community-Based Structured Crisis Centers (Subchapter 1 to 25)
  16. Chapter 24 - Standards and Criteria for Comprehensive Community Addiction Recovery Centers (Subchapter 1 to 27)
  17. Chapter 25 - Facility Management [REVOKED] (Subchapter 1 to 7)
  18. Chapter 27 - Standards and Criteria for Mental Illness Service Programs (Subchapter 1 to 9)
  19. Chapter 30 - Standards and Criteria For State-Operated Inpatient Services (Subchapter 1 to 15)
  20. Chapter 35 - Aids Policy Series [REVOKED] (Subchapter 1 to 5)
  21. Chapter 40 - Regional/Service Area Planning [REVOKED] (§ 450:40-1-1 to 450:40-1-7)
  22. Chapter 45 - Program Requirement for "Children in Need of Treatment" [REVOKED] (Subchapter 1 to 5)
  23. Chapter 50 - Standards and Criteria For Certified Behavioral Health Case Managers (Subchapter 1 to 11)
  24. Chapter 53 - Standards and Criteria for Certified Peer Recovery Support Specialists (Subchapter 1 to 11)
  25. Chapter 55 - Standards and Criteria for Programs of Assertive Community Treatment (Subchapter 1 to 25)
  26. Chapter 60 - Standards and Criteria for Certified Eating Disorder Treatment Programs (Subchapter 1 to 25)
  27. Chapter 65 - Standards and Criteria for Gambling Treatment Programs (Subchapter 1 to 7)
  28. Chapter 70 - Standards and Criteria for Opioid Treatment Programs (Subchapter 1 to 6)
  29. Chapter 75 - Standards and Criteria for Certified Problem Gambling Treatment Counselors (Subchapter 1 to 7)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.