Or. Admin. R. 123-056-0030 - Strategic Plans

In order to be an Approved Strategic Plan, a strategic plan must:

(1) Identify, address and coordinate the economic development priorities of a community or geographic region in the state of Oregon
(2) Result in economic benefit to the state of Oregon, such as:
(a) Promotes favorable investment climate to strengthen businesses, create jobs, and raise real wages;
(b) Contributes in a manner that improves the national and global competitiveness of Oregon companies;
(c) Assists Oregon communities in building capacity to retain, expand, and attract businesses;
(d) Promotes, fosters and sustains economic development in the state, emphasizing rural and distressed areas; or
(e) Implements economic strategies that reinforce Oregon's long-term prosperity and livability.
(3) Sets forth, in measurable terms, the extent to which the strategic plan will accomplish the economic development priorities of the community or geographic region of the state of Oregon;
(4) Sets forth, in measurable terms, the extent to which the strategic plan will accomplish the Department's performance standards as adopted by the Oregon Business Development Commission; and
(5) Be formally adopted by a municipality, a special district, a port, or other governmental entity.


Or. Admin. R. 123-056-0030
OBDD 5-2013(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 6-3-13 thru 11-30-13; OBDD 10-2013, f. 10-31-13, cert. ef. 11-1-13

Stat. Auth.: ORS 285B.230 - 285B.266

Stats. Implemented: ORS 285B.230 - 285B.266

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.