Or. Admin. R. 166-150-0005 - Administrative Records

(1) Activity and Room Scheduling Records: Records documenting scheduling and reservations related to public participation and use of various agency activities, events, classes and facilities. Includes schedules, logs, lists, requests, and similar records. (Minimum retention: 1 year)
(2) Activity Reports, General: Daily, weekly, monthly, or similar reports documenting the activities of employees. Useful for compiling annual reports, planning and budgeting, monitoring work progress and other purposes. Usually tracks type of activity, employees and/or volunteers involved, time spent on activity, work completed, and related information in narrative or statistical form. (Minimum retention: 2 years)
(3) Advertising and Promotion Records (Non-State Fair): Series is used to prepare and produce promotional materials, and to document promotions, advertising campaigns, marketing initiatives and public relations efforts. Records may include event programs and schedules, passes, newsletters, news clippings, paste-ups, drawings, copies of ads, photographs, slides, videotapes, sound recordings, story scripts, posters, brochures, flyers, and correspondence. (Minimum retention: 2 years)
(4) Annual Reports: Reports documenting the program or primary functional activities and accomplishments of the office for the previous year. These are often compiled from monthly, quarterly, or other subsidiary activity reports. Usually includes statistics, narratives, graphs, diagrams, and similar information. (Minimum retention: Permanent)
(5) Audit Records, Internal: Records document the examination of the agency's fiscal condition, internal control, and compliance policies and procedures. Records may also document performance or other financially related audits by agency or contracted auditors. Records may include audit reports, supporting documentation, comments, and correspondence. (Minimum retention: 10 years)
(6) Calendars and Scheduling Records: Records document planning, scheduling, and similar actions related to meetings, appointments, trips, visits and other activities. Includes calendars, appointment books, notes, telephone messages, diaries, and similar records, regardless of format. Depending on content, some telephone messages and similar records may merit inclusion in related program or project files. This applies to records that contain significant information that is not summarized or otherwise included in reports or similar documents. Calendar and Scheduling information recorded in a personal day planner or personal electronic device may be a public record under ORS Chapter 192. (Minimum retention: 1 year)
(7) Citizen Awards: Awards presented by the agency to honor volunteers for civic contributions. May include award nominations, award certificates, presentation or ceremony records and photographs, lists of past recipients, and related records. Some records in this series may have historic value. For appraisal assistance contact the Oregon State Archives. (Minimum retention: 6 years)
(8) Communication Logs: Logs document communications made or received through a variety of electronic devices, including but not limited to telephone, smart phone, facsimile (fax), radio, computer-aided dispatch, pager, and teletype, AND are not otherwise specified in this general records retention schedule (OAR 166 Division 150). Logged information may include time, date and disposition of communication, name of caller, number called or received, and action taken. SEE ALSO Correspondence in this section. (Minimum retention: 1 year)
(9) Contracts, Leases, and Agreements*: Documents the duly executed and binding contractual agreements between the agency and other parties. May include contracts, exhibits, bid documents, change orders, proposals, and significant related correspondence. Types of contracts include purchase of equipment and supplies, interagency, personal service, capital construction (documenting building construction, alterations, or repair), grant funding, and others. Information in contracts usually includes contract number, certificate of required insurance, dates, terms, parties involved, period covered, and signatures. (Minimum retention: (a) Construction contract records: 10 years after substantial completion, as defined by ORS 12.135(3) (b) Collective bargaining con-tract records: Permanent (c) Other contracts, leases and agreements: 6 years after expiration) Caution: Agencies who enter into contracts with the federal government must ensure that their contracts and agreements meet federal requirements specified in the Code of Federal Regulations.
(10) Correspondence: Records that:
1. document communications created or received by an agency AND
2. directly relate to an agency program or agency administration AND
3. are not otherwise specified in the County and Special District General Records Retention Schedule (OAR 166-150) or in ORS 192.170. Records may include but are not limited to letters, memoranda, notes and electronic messages that communicate formal approvals, directions for action, and information about contracts, purchases, grants, personnel and particular projects or programs. (Disposition: File with the associated program or administrative records. Retentions for county and special district records are found in the County and Special District General Records Retention Schedule. Communications not meeting the above criteria do not need to be filed and may be retained as needed.)
(11) Fax Reports: Records document facsimile transactions of the agency. Reports may also be used for billing purposes. Information includes date and time fax transmitted or received and recipient/sender's fax number. (Minimum retention: (a) Retain if used for billing: 3 years (b) Retain all other reports: 1 year)
(12) Intergovernmental Agreements*: Agreements entered in-to by the agency with the state, school districts, service districts, cities, or other governmental units. Often refers to consolidating departments, jointly providing administrative officers, and sharing facilities or equipment. Major agreements usually set funding responsibilities, fee apportionment, duration of agreement, rights to terminate agreement, and transfers of property, personnel, and employment benefits. Also includes intergovernmental agreements for common services, equipment, maintenance, etc. (Minimum retention: (a) Significant and historic agreements: Permanent (b) Other agreements: 6 years after expiration)
(13) Key and Keycard Records*: Records document the issuance of keys and keycards to staff to enable access to buildings and sites. Records may include but are not limited to key inventories, key issue forms, key replacement records, and key disposal records. Minimum retention: (a) Retain access and entry logs 3 years (b) Retain other records 2 years after key is turned in)
(14) Legislative Tracking Records: Series used to monitor legislation that may have an impact on an agency's current operations or policies. Records include concept statements, proposals, bill logs, fiscal/organizational impact analysis papers, copies of bills, testimony summaries, committee reports, agendas, and correspondence. (Minimum retention: 2 years)
(15) Lobbyist Records: Records document lobbyist and lobbyist employer activities and are used to report to these activities to the Oregon Government Ethics Commission. Records may include but are not limited to expenditure reports, registration statements, termination records, guidelines, and correspondence. (Minimum retention: (a) Retain expenditure reports 4 years (b) Retain all other records 5 years after last activity)
(16) Mailing Lists: Lists compiled to facilitate billing, community outreach, and other functions of the agency. Information usually includes name of individual or group, address, name and title of contact person, phone number, comments, and similar data. (Minimum retention: Until superseded or obsolete)
(17) Meeting Records, Governing Body*: Records documenting the proceedings of any regularly scheduled, special, executive session, or emergency meeting of any governing body, as described in Oregon's Public Meetings Law (ORS 192.610 to 192.710), that is under agency jurisdiction. These typically consist of boards, commissions, advisory councils, task forces, and similar groups. Records may include minutes, agendas, exhibits, resolutions, staff reports, indexes, meeting packets, tape recordings, and related documentation and correspondence. SEE ALSO Meeting Records, Staff and Meeting Records, in this section and Board, Commission, and Committee in the County Court and Commissioners Records section. (Minimum retention: (a) Minutes, agendas, resolutions, indexes, and exhibits (not retained permanently elsewhere in county records): Permanent (b) Retain executive session minutes: 10 years (c) Audio or visual recordings: 1 year after minutes prepared and approved (d) Other records and exhibits not pertinent to minutes: 5 years)
(18) Meeting Records, Staff: Records documenting meetings within government which are not subject to Oregon's Public Meetings Law (ORS 192.610 to 192.710). These routine staff meetings deal with tasks and actions within existing policies and procedures. Records may include minutes, notes, reports, and related items. Some records may merit inclusion in other record series with longer retention periods if the subject matter of the meeting adds significant information to that series. (Minimum retention: 2 years)
(19) Mitigation Program Records*: Records document the establishment and maintenance of the agency mitigation programs, plans, and procedures. Records may include mitigation plans and strategies, policies, procedures, seismic surveys and structural upgrade records of agency facilities, project reports, hazard mitigation grant records, and related documentation, which may include capital improvement records. SEE ALSO the Emergency Management section. (Minimum retention: (a) Adopted plans: Permanent (b) Other records: for the life of the structure)
(20) News/Press Releases: Prepared statements, announcements, news conference transcripts, and similar records issued to the news media. Subjects include the adoption of new programs, termination of old programs, policy shifts, changes in the status of elected officials or senior administrative personnel, and others. Also may include news releases announcing routine events or actions carried out within the scope of existing policies. (Minimum retention: (a) Policy and historic news/press releases: Permanent (b) Routine news/press releases: 2 years)
(21) Notary Public Log Books: Records documenting notarial transactions completed by a notary public and employed by a government agency. Agencies may retain logbooks by agreement with the notary after their separation from employment. Agencies retaining notary public log books without notary agreements should consult their legal counsel and/or the Secretary of State, Corporation Division for retention instruction. (Minimum retention: 7 years after date of commission expiration)
(22) Organizational Records: Records documenting the arrangement and administrative structure of an agency. Includes charts, statements, studies, and similar records. May also include studies to determine the merit and feasibility of reorganization plans, as well as other major studies related to the administrative hierarchy. (Minimum retention: 2 years after superseded)
(23) Passport Transmittal Records: Records document the processing of passport applications. May include but is not limited to calendars, copies of transmittals sent to the United States Passport Office. Information includes daily and weekly totals of passports processed, applicants' names, amount paid, and departure date. (Minimum retention: 1 year)
(24) Permit and License Records, Agency-Issued*: Records documenting agency review, background investigations, recommendations and other actions related to permits and licenses issued for various activities not specified elsewhere in this general schedule. Permits may include but are not limited to those for taxi cab drivers, dances, parades, rocket launching, second hand dealers, alarm system dealers, liquor licenses, keeping livestock, and solicitors. Usually includes applications, background investigation reports, permits, licenses, and related records. (If a specific permitting function is included in another records series under a program or functional area such as public works or law enforcement in this general schedule, the retention period specified in that program or functional area supersedes the retention period listed in this series.) (Minimum retention: (a) Retain fee permits of license records: 3 years after expiration, revocation, or denial (b) Retain free permits or license records: 2 years after expiration, revocation, or denial)
(25) Planning Records: Series documents long-range plans and the development of an agency's mission statement and work objectives. Records include strategic plans, mission statements, preliminary drafts, work notes, and related correspondence. (Minimum retention: (a) Mission Statements and plans: 20 years (b) Other records: 5 years)
(26) Policy and Procedure Guidelines and Manuals*: Written instructions, rules, and guidelines in manual form documenting current and past authorized agency policies and procedures. Used for new employee orientation and for ongoing reference. Also useful in establishing past policies or procedures in liability cases, personnel disputes, and other instances. Includes manuals documenting the procedures of departments with higher risk or exposure to liability such as police, fire, emergency medical services, public works, etc. This series also includes routine documentation and basic clerical instructional procedures covering such subjects as formatting letters, data entry, telephone etiquette, and others. Information often includes policy and procedure numbers, revision dates, subject identification, narrative description, authorization information, and effective date. The minimum retention periods refer only to agency-generated manuals. Manuals from other sources should be retained as needed or as mandated by a specific regulating body (federal or state agency, etc.), usually until superseded or obsolete. SEE ALSO Technical Manuals, Specifications, and Warranties in the Public Works-Operations and Maintenance section for published technical manuals and related materials. (Minimum retention: (a) Routine clerical manuals: 2 years after superseded or obsolete (b) Manuals relating to specific construction and/or engineering projects: 10 years after substantial completion, as defined by ORS 12.135(3) (c) One copy of all other manuals: Permanent)
(27) Policy Statements and Directives*: Series documents review, assessment, development, and authorization of an agency's formal policies and procedures that have been approved by a governing body. Records may include authorizing bulletins and advisories, mission and goal statements, manuals, and final policy statements and directives. Information often includes policy and procedure numbers, revision dates, subject identification, narrative description, authorization information, and effective date. SEE ALSO Policy and Procedure Guidelines and Manuals in this section. (Minimum retention: 20 years after superseded or obsolete)
(28) Polygraph Examiners Licensing Records: Documents statutory requirement that each polygraph examiner shall register with the County Clerk and that the Clerk shall maintain a list of examiners. Includes name of examiner and business address. (Minimum retention: 60 years)
(29) Postal Records: Records documenting transactions with the U.S. Postal Service and private carriers. Includes postage meter records, receipts for registered and certified mail, insured mail, special delivery receipts and forms, loss reports, and related items. (Minimum retention: 3 years)
(30) Professional Membership Records: Records documenting institutional or agency-paid individual memberships and activities in professional organizations. (Minimum retention: 3 years)
(31) Program Accreditation Records: Records document the evaluation, certification, and accreditation of an agency program by a nationally or regionally recognized accrediting organization AND are not otherwise specified in this general records retention schedule (OAR 166 division 150). Records may include but are not limited to self-evaluation reports; reports sent to accrediting organization; statistical data; evaluation reports; final accreditation reports and certifications; and related documentation and correspondence. Some records in this series may have historic value. SEE ALSO Professional Membership Records in this section. (Minimum retention: Retain current and one previous accreditation cycle, destroy)
(32) Public Notice Records*: Records documenting compliance with laws requiring public notice of government activities. Subjects include assessments, elections, land use changes, public meetings and hearings, sale of property, and others. Records include public or legal notices, certificates, affidavits of publication, and similar documents. SEE ALSO Competitive Bid Records in the Financial section for public notices related to bid openings and awards. (Minimum retention: 3 years)
(33) Publications: Published records produced by or for the agency or any of its departments or programs and made available to the public. Includes newsletters, pamphlets, brochures, leaflets, reports, studies, proposals, and similar published records. Does not include publications received from federal, state, private, or other sources - these publications and extra copies of agency-produced publications should be retained as needed. (Minimum retention: (a) Policy and historic publications: Permanent (b) All others: Until superseded or obsolete)
(34) Reports and Studies: Records document special reports or studies conducted on non-fiscal aspects of an agency's programs, services, or projects, compiled by agency personnel, or by consultants under contract that are not noted elsewhere in this schedule. Includes final report distributed either internally or to other entities and the work papers used to compile the report or study. (Minimum retention: 5 years)
(35) Requests and Complaints: Records documenting complaints or requests concerning a variety of agency responsibilities not specified elsewhere in this general schedule. Information often includes name, phone number, and address of person making request or complaint, narration of request or complaint, name of person responding to request or complaint, dates of related activities, and other data. (If a specific request or complaint is listed in another records series under a functional area such as law enforcement in this general schedule, the retention period specified in that functional area supersedes the retention period listed in this series.) (Minimum retention: 2 years after last action)
(36) Resolutions*: Formal statements of decisions or expressions of opinions adopted by the agency. Information includes date, number, and text. SEE ALSO Meeting Records, Governing Body in the County Court and County Commissioners Records section. (Minimum retention: Permanent)
(37) Routing and Job Control Records: Records used to control the routine flow of documents and other items and actions in and between offices in the agency. Includes routing slips, job control records, status cards, receipts for records charged-out, batch slips, and similar records. (Minimum retention: 1 year)
(38) Security Records*: Series documents security provided for agency buildings and grounds. Records include surveillance records, security logs, sign-in sheets, security reports, incident reports, and related records. SEE ALSO Fire and Security Alarm System Records in the Fire and Emergency Medical Services section; Computer System Security Records in the Information and Records Management section; or Alarm Records and Surveillance Tapes in the Law Enforcement section. (Minimum retention: 2 years)
(39) Seminar and Conference Records, Agency-Sponsored: Records documenting the design and implementation of agency sponsored seminars, conferences, workshops, conventions, and similar gatherings. Often includes class descriptions, instructional materials, course outlines, enrollment and attendance records, reports, speeches, planning documentation, and related records. For records documenting registration billings and related fiscal actions, see the Financial Records section. (Minimum retention: (a) Significant program records: 5 years (b) Class enrollment and attendance records: 2 years (c) Other records: 1 year)
(40) Seminar and Conference Records, Non-Agency Sponsored: Records documenting activities of seminars, conferences, workshops, conventions, and similar gatherings not sponsored by the agency but attended by agency officials or personnel. May include staff reports, instructional materials, recommendations, related correspondence and memoranda, and similar records. (Minimum retention: 2 years)
(41) Special District Charters*: Constitution, bylaws, and all amendments to agency charters approved by voters or the State Legislature. Generally includes original charter, amendments, and related significant records. (Minimum retention: Permanent)
(42) Special District Codes*: Codified ordinances passed by a special district. Provides reference to all laws for both information and enforcement. Information may include ordinance numbers, amending ordinance numbers, code numbers, and text. (Minimum retention: Permanent)
(43) Special District Ordinances*: Legislative action of a special district to regulate, require, prohibit, govern, control, or supervise any activity, business, conduct, or condition authorized by Oregon Revised Statutes. Ordinances typically include a title, preamble, ordaining clause, subject clause, penalty for violation (when applicable), effective date, authorizing signature and seal. May also include indexes calendars, and documentation presented to support action. (Minimum retention: Permanent)
(44) Special Event and Celebration Records: Records documenting agency-sponsored celebrations of special and historic occasions such as centennials, pioneer days, and similar events. Provides a record of planning and promotional efforts, public attendance and response, major speeches and dedications, and other significant aspects of the celebration. These significant records may include studies, publications, photographs, attendance summaries, final reports, and other significant documents. This series also includes routine documentation related to implementing the promotion and organization of the event. These often include lists, rosters, correspondence, memoranda, volunteer information, and related records. Records may also include scrapbooks, but does not include news clippings. News clippings are not public records and may be discarded. (Minimum retention: (a) Records documenting significant aspects of the event: Permanent (b) Other records: 2 years after event)
(45) Surveys, Polls, and Questionnaires: Records documenting the measurement of public opinion by or for the agency related to various issues, actions, and concerns. May include surveys, polls, questionnaires, summaries, abstracts and significant related records. Examples of summaries include studies which incorporate the significant results of public opinion surveys, abstracts of questionnaires designed to determine the skills and interests of citizens volunteering for agency service, and other records which distill survey data into summary form. (Minimum retention: (a) Summary reports and abstracts: 3 years (b) Other records: Until summary report is completed or 3 years, whichever is sooner)
(46) Visitor Logs: Records document visitors to county buildings. Records name include visitors' names, visitor badges issued, and entrance and exit times. (Minimum retention: 1 year)
(47) Work Orders: Records documenting requests and authorizations, according to existing contracts or agreements, for needed services and repairs to agency property and equipment. May include copy center work orders, printing orders, telephone service and installation requests, repair authorizations, and similar records. (Minimum retention: (a) Retain work completed by county personnel: 1 year (b) Retain work completed by outside vendors: 3 years)
(48) Work Schedules and Assignments: Records documenting the scheduling and assigning of shifts, tasks, projects, or other work to agency employees. Useful for budget and personnel planning and review, assessing employee work performance, and other purposes. May include calendars, schedules, lists, charts, rosters, and related records. (Minimum retention: 5 years)
(49) Year 2000 (Y2K) Planning Records: Records document the planning and development of agency Y2K contingency plans. Records may include but are not limited to meeting minutes, correspondence, draft plans, work notes, plan test results, and final plan. Information includes type of systems vulnerable to Y2K, level of priority, and party responsible for system solution or troubleshooting. (Minimum retention: Destroy)


Or. Admin. R. 166-150-0005
OSA 4-2004, f. & cert. ef. 9-1-04; OSA 2-2005, f. & cert. ef. 5-10-05; OSA 3-2012, f. & cert. ef. 10-29-12; OSA 1-2014, f. & cert. ef. 2-25-14; OSA 1-2017, f. & cert. ef. 1/13/2017

Stat. Auth.: ORS 192 & 357

Stats. Implemented: ORS 192.005-192.170 & 357.805-357.895

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.