Or. Admin. R. 166-400-0010 - Administrative Records

(1) Activity and Room Scheduling Records document scheduling and reservations related to public participation and use of various agency activities, events, classes and facilities. Includes schedules, logs, lists, requests, and similar records. Minimum retention: 1 year.
(2) Activity Reports, General Daily, weekly, monthly, or similar reports documenting the activities of employees. Useful for compiling annual reports, planning and budgeting, monitoring work progress and other purposes. Usually tracks type of activity, employees and/or volunteers involved, time spent on activity, work completed, and related information in narrative or statistical form. Minimum retention: 2 years.
(3) Annual Reports document the program or primary functional activities and accomplishments of the office for the previous year. These are often compiled from monthly, quarterly, or other subsidiary activity reports. Usually includes statistics, narratives, graphs, diagrams, and similar information. Minimum retention: Permanent.
(4) Association and Organization Membership Records document the membership and participation of the school, district, or ESD in professional and educational associations and organizations. Records may include but are not limited to meeting announcements and agendas; promotional information; meeting, workshop, and conference records; rules and regulations; reports; proposals and planning records; surveys and questionnaires; meeting minutes; and related documentation and correspondence. This series does not include individual faculty or staff membership records unless such membership is paid for by the school, district, or ESD. Minimum retention: 3 years after school year in which records were created.
(5) Audit Records, Internal Records document the examination of the agency's fiscal condition, internal control, and compliance policies and procedures. Records may also document performance or other financially related audits by agency or contracted auditors. Records may include audit reports, supporting documentation, comments, and correspondence. Minimum retention: 10 years.
(6) Bond Election Records document the process whereby bond measures to finance school construction and improvements are approved by the voters. Records may include but are not limited to certified copies of election results; county election filing forms; precinct and district maps; election tax levy history; type of election; proposals; assessor's certification; statistical reports to the Oregon Department of Education; and related correspondence and documentation. SEE ALSO Bond Records in the Financial Records section. Minimum retention: 5 years after school year in which bond matures.
(7) Calendars and Scheduling Records document planning, scheduling and similar actions related to meetings, appointments, trips, visits and other agency activities. Includes calendars, appointment books, notes, telephone messages, diaries, and similar records, regardless of format. Depending on content, some telephone messages and similar records may merit inclusion in related program or project files. This applies to records that contain significant information that is not summarized or otherwise included in reports or similar documents. Calendar and Scheduling information recorded in a personal day planner or personal electronic device may be a public record under ORS Chapter 192. Minimum retention: 1 year.
(8) Child Care Facility License Records document the annual licensing of school child care facilities by the Employment Department, Child Care Division. Records may include but are not limited to sanitation inspection reports; fire safety reports; fire and other emergency drill records; staff development and training records; staff criminal history checks; staff qualification forms; time sheets, staff first aid cards; staff driving records; staff orientation records; official license; Child Care Division inspection reports and certification; and related correspondence and documentation. Minimum retention: (a) If license expired or renewed: 1 year after expiration or renewal (b) If license revoked: 3 years after revoked.
(9) Committee and Board Meeting Records document the activities, decisions, and proceedings of regularly scheduled, special, executive session, or emergency meetings of governing bodies and committees of the school, district, or ESD. Governing bodies may include boards, advisory councils, commissions, site councils, committees, advisory groups, and task forces. Records may include but are not limited to meeting minutes, agendas and agenda packets, exhibits, resolutions, staff reports, sound recordings, membership lists, meeting books, significant correspondence and memorandum, and other supporting documentation. SEE ALSO Budget Records in the Financial Records section. Minimum retention: (a) School board meeting minutes and agendas: Permanent (b) Exhibits, other minutes, and supporting records: 5 years after school year in which records were created (c) Sound recordings, if transcribed or abstracted: 1 year after minutes approved.
(10) Committee and Board Member Records document the election or appointment of school, district, or ESD board, budget committee, and other committee members. Records may include but are not limited to date of election and installation, length of term, zone or district represented, and related biographical information about each board or committee member. Minimum retention: 5 years after term expires.
(11) Conference and Workshop Records document conferences, seminars, workshops, and training activities attended or sponsored by school, district, or ESD personnel. Records may include but are not limited to agendas, reports, speeches, program records, conference or seminar descriptions and schedules, participant lists, fee records, planning records, evaluations, registration material, handouts, and related correspondence and documentation. Records may also include documentation of attendance for certification, continuing education, or in-service training requirements. Minimum retention: (a) Significant program records - school, district, or ESD sponsored: 5 years after school year in which records were created (b) Other records: 2 years after school year in which records were created.
(12) Contracts and Agreements Records document the negotiation, execution, completion, and termination of legal agreements between the school, district, or ESD and other parties, including the Oregon Department of Education. Records include the official contract or agreement, amendments, exhibits, addenda, legal records, contract review records, and related correspondence and documentation. Records do not include leases or property records. Minimum retention: (a) Contracts or agreements documenting building construction, alterations, or repair: 10 years after substantial completion as defined by ORS 12.135(3). (b) Other contracts and agreements: 6 years after expiration.
(13) Correspondence: Records that:
1. document communications created or received by an agency AND
2. directly relate to an agency program or agency administration AND
3. are not otherwise specified in the Educational Service Districts, School Districts and Schools General Records Retention Schedule (OAR 166-400) or in educational service districts, school districts and schools special schedules or in ORS 192.170. Records may include but are not limited to letters, memoranda, notes and electronic messages that communicate formal approvals, directions for action, and information about contracts, purchases, grants, personnel and particular projects or programs. Disposition: File with the associated program or administrative records. Retentions for program records are found in state agency special schedules; retentions for administrative records are typically found in the State Agency General Records Retention Schedule. Communications not meeting the above criteria do not need to be filed and may be retained as needed.
(14) Eighth Grade Examination Records document the examinations given to eighth grade students. Records may include but are not limited to examinations; examinations registers; diploma lists; and related documentation. These records are no longer being created. Minimum retention: Permanent.
(15) Fax Reports Records document facsimile transactions of the agency. Reports may also be used for billing purposes. Information includes date and time fax transmitted or received and recipient/sender's fax number. Minimum retention: (a) Retain if used for billing: 3 years (b) Retain all other reports: 1 year.
(16) Food/Nutrition Service Program Records document the operation of school food/nutrition service programs. Records may include but are not limited to operations reports; child nutrition program reviews; food service financial records; food supply inventory records; free and reduced price lunch applications and reimbursement claim records; meal production and menu records; meal ticket inventory records; sanitation inspection reports; summer food services records; and related documentation and correspondence. Minimum retention: 3 years (or as specified by 7 CFR 210.7-28 and 225.6-16).
(17) Health Log Book Records document the daily activities of and visits to the Health Room/School Nurses Office. Record may include but not limited to student's name, time of visit, reason for visit/ailment, action taken, parental notification, was student sent home or returned to class. Minimum retention: Retain 6 years after school year in which created, destroy.
(18) Immunization Records, Administrative Records document the review and report of the immunization status of students to the County health department and the exclusion of students who do not meet the minimum immunization requirements. Records may include but are not limited to the annual Primary Review Summary, school copies of Exclusion Orders for No Record, school copies of Exclusion Orders for Incomplete Information/Insufficient Information, and related documentation. SEE ALSO Student Immunization Records in the Student Education Records section. Minimum retention: 1 year.
(19) Legal Case Records document a school, district, or ESD's legal actions by in-house or outside counsel. Records may include but are not limited to litigation records, correspondence, staff opinions, research findings, and background notes relating to specific cases. Cases may include but are not limited to Tort Liability Claims, Civil Service Commission cases, unemployment and discrimination cases, bid protests and contract disputes, student/parent complaints, and employee complaints. Minimum retention: 10 years after final disposition of case.
(20) Legal Opinion and Advice Records document the legal opinions and advice given to schools, districts, or ESDs by a lawyer or the Attorney General. Records may include legal advice given to private schools. Records may include but are not limited to requests for opinions; opinions; letters of advice; and related correspondence. Minimum retention: (a) Retain copies of legislative bills, statutes: 6 years (b) Retain Administrative Rule Preparation Records: 10 years after appeal of rule (c) Retain all other records: Permanent.
(21) Legislative Tracking Records document the development and monitoring of legislation which may have an impact on the programs or policies of a school, district, or ESD. Records may include but are not limited to concept statements, proposals, bill logs, fiscal and organizational impact analysis papers, copies of bills, testimony summaries, committee reports, agendas, record of action, and related correspondence and documentation. Minimum retention: 2 years.
(22) Lobbyist Records document lobbyist and lobbyist employer activities, and are used to report these activities to the Oregon Government Ethics Commission. Records may include but are not limited to expenditure reports, registration statements, termination records, guidelines, and correspondence. Minimum retention: (a) Retain expenditure reports: 4 years (b) Retain all other records: 5 years after last activity.
(23) Mitigation Program Records document the establishment and maintenance of the agency mitigation programs, plans, and procedures. Records may include mitigation plans and strategies, policies, procedures, seismic surveys and structural upgrade records of agency facilities, project reports, hazard mitigation grant records, and related documentation, which may include capital improvement records. SEE ALSO the Emergency Management section. Minimum retention: (a) Retain adopted plans: Permanent (b) Retain all other records: For the life of the structure.
(24) Notary Public Log Books Records document notarial transactions completed by a notary public and employed by a government agency. Agencies may retain logbooks by agreement with the notary after their separation from employment. Agencies retaining notary public log books without notary agreements should consult their legal counsel and/or the Secretary of State, Corporation Division for retention instruction. Minimum retention: 7 years after date of commission expiration.
(25) Oregon School Register Records document student enrollment, attendance, and membership in elementary and secondary schools and forms the basis for student attendance reporting to the Oregon Department of Education. The register contains student's name and other personally identifiable information, attendance, indication of student non-residency or withdrawal, program membership, whether student was promoted or retained at end of school year, and related information. Minimum retention: Permanent.
(26) Organization Records document the lines of organizational hierarchy and administrative responsibility within a program, school, district, or ESD. Records may include but are not limited to drafts and final charts or diagrams, statements, studies, and related documentation. Minimum retention: 4 years after superseded or obsolete.
(27) Parent-Teacher Organization Records document the history, development, policies, and actions of parent-teacher organizations under the jurisdiction of the District. Records may include but are not limited to minutes; constitutions and by-laws; committee records; budget and accounting records; handbooks; officer and member rosters; scrapbooks; photographs; and related documentation and correspondence. Minimum retention: (a) Retain minutes, constitutions, by-laws, and committee records 10 years after school year in which records were created. (b) Retain all other records 3 years after school year in which records were created.
(28) Policy and Planning Records document the development, assessment, and review of school, district, or ESD policies, programs, and activities. Records may include but are not limited to board policy and district-wide administrative rules; authorizing bulletins and advisories; mission, policy, and goal statements; finalized policy statements and directives; by-laws; regulations; strategic plans; management plans; and related documentation. Minimum retention: (a) Retain annual board adopted policy and district-wide administrative rules, official copy: Permanent (b) Retain planning documents: 10 years (c) Retain working papers and draft material: 1 year after school year in which final document produced.
(29) Policy Statements and Directives Series documents review, assessment, development, and authorization of an agency's formal policies and procedures that have been approved by a governing body. Records may include authorizing bulletins and advisories, mission and goal statements, manuals, and final policy statements and directives. Information often includes policy and procedure numbers, revision dates, subject identification, narrative description, authorization information, and effective date. SEE ALSO Policy and Procedure Guidelines and Manuals in this section. Minimum retention: 10 years after superseded or obsolete.
(30) Procedure Manuals Records document internal development and guidelines for consistency and continuity in the operation of a school, district, or ESD department or office. Records may include but are not limited to manuals documenting departmental and program procedures; basic secretarial/clerical instructional procedures; handbooks; desk manuals; emergency response plans; safety plans and procedures; and related documentation and correspondence. Minimum retention: (a) Retain routine clerical manuals: 2 years after superseded or obsolete (b) Retain manuals relating to specific construction and/or engineering projects: 10 years after substantial completion, as defined by ORS 12.135(3) (c) Retain one copy of all other manuals: Permanent.
(31) Professional Membership Records document institutional or agency-paid individual memberships and activities in professional organizations. Minimum retention: 3 years.
(32) Public Notice Records document compliance with laws requiring public notice of government activities. Subjects include assessments, elections, land use changes, public meetings and hearings, sale of property, and others. Records include public or legal notices, certificates, affidavits of publication, and similar documents. SEE ALSO Competitive Bid Records in the Financial section for public notices related to bid openings and awards. Minimum retention: 3 years.
(33) Reports and Studies Records document the school, district, or ESD's curriculum offerings, programs, services, problems, projects, student achievements, financial status, staffing, operations, and activities. Reports may be required to be submitted to the Oregon Department of Education or to other state, federal, or private agencies. Reports may be annual reports compiled from monthly, quarterly, or other subsidiary activity reports. Records may include but are not limited to narrative and statistical reports, studies, performance measures, annual reviews, surveys, plans, proposals, progress reports, evaluation reports, financial data and reports, staffing reports, student attendance accounting reports, accreditation studies, summaries, and other types of reports and documentation. Minimum retention: (a) Retain annual reports and studies with historical value or policy implications: Permanent (b) Retain other reports and studies: 5 years or as required by government or agency (c) Retain working papers and draft material: 1 year after school year in which final document produced.
(34) Requests and Complaints Records document complaints or requests concerning a variety of agency responsibilities not specified elsewhere in this general schedule. Information often includes name, phone number, and address of person making request or complaint, narration of request or complaint, name of person responding to request or complaint, dates of related activities, and other data. (If a specific request or complaint is listed in another records series under a functional area such as law enforcement in this general schedule, the retention period specified in that functional area supersedes the retention period listed in this series.) SEE ALSO Correspondence. Minimum retention: 2 years after last action.
(35) Routing and Job Control Records used to control the routine flow of documents and other items and actions in and between offices in the agency. Includes routing slips, job control records, status cards, receipts for records charged-out, batch slips, and similar records. Minimum retention: 1 year.
(36) School Census Records document the number of students of school age within the county, district, or school. Records may contain but are not limited to the names, ages, birth dates, and address of students; information about the parents or guardians; and related documentation. The actual census-reporting requirement ended in 1971 and this record is no longer being created. Minimum retention: Permanent.
(37) School, District, Or ESD History Records document important organizational changes, significant events, celebrations, programs, and projects of the ESD, district, or school. Records may include but are not limited to newsletters, press releases, publications, reports and articles, institution histories, biographies and records of past administrators, faculty, or staff, photographs, scrapbooks, newspaper clippings, and related documentation. SEE ALSO Publications in this section. Minimum retention: Permanent.
(38) Special Education Census Reports document the number of special education students served by the school and district included in annual census reports to the Oregon Department of Education. Records may include but are not limited to annual reports and district summary reports which includes total number of students and students per district, age of students, and handicapping condition of students; student census information; placement and services provided records; agency information; number of special education teachers; and related documentation. Minimum retention: 5 years after school year in which records were created.
(39) Special Event and Celebration Records document agency-sponsored celebrations of special and historic occasions such as centennials, pioneer days, and similar events. Provides a record of planning and promotional efforts, public attendance and response, major speeches and dedications, and other significant aspects of the celebration. These significant records may include studies, publications, photographs, attendance summaries, final reports, and other significant documents. This series also includes routine documentation related to implementing the promotion and organization of the event. These often include lists, rosters, correspondence, memoranda, volunteer information, and related records. Records may also include scrapbooks, but does not include newsclippings. Newsclippings are not public records and may be discarded. Minimum retention: (a) Retain records documenting significant aspects of the event: Permanent (b) Retain all other records: two years after event.
(40) Staff Meeting Records document the activities, decisions, and proceedings of school, district, or ESD staff meetings. Records may include but are not limited to minutes, agendas, notes, reports, and related documentation. Minimum retention: Until end of school year.
(41) Standardization Records document the process of standardization visits from the Oregon Department of Education to schools, districts, or ESDs. Records may include but are not limited to self-evaluation reports, on-site inspection reports; waiver authorizations; letters of concern; plans of correction; schedules; and related correspondence and documentation. Minimum retention: 6 years after school year in which records were created.
(42) Student Information and Demographic Records document the composition of the student population in a variety of sequences, groupings, and lists. Records include demographic profiles of students; student record cards; and other manual or computer produced lists organized by school, class, special program, or other grouping. Records may include but are not limited to student identification information including name, address, birth date, birthplace, parents, and guardians; student demographics including gender, ethnicity, and age; attendance; enrollment dates; previous school attended; student grades and transcript data; health and immunization information; handicapped status; and related documentation. Minimum retention: (a) Retain years ending in 0 and 5 Permanent (b) Retain all others 5 years.
(43) Student Organization Administrative Records document the history, development, and policies of student organizations, including student clubs, government, and publications. Records may include but are not limited to student organization annual review forms; minutes; constitutions and bylaws; committee, subcommittee, and task force records; student senate bill and resolution records; handbooks; officer and member rosters; scrapbooks; photographs; and related documentation and correspondence. SEE ALSO Student Organization Financial Records in the Financial Section. Minimum retention: (a) Retain constitution and bylaws: Until superseded or obsolete (b) Retain all other records: 2 years after school year in which records were created.
(44) Superintendent of Schools Records document the official and financial affairs of the superintendent of schools concerning teachers, students, and schools located in the county. Records may include but are not limited to annual statements on the condition of common (public) schools in the county; school district boundary records; school district accounts; book purchases; and related documentation. Information contained in the records may include financial information, school curricula, boundary descriptions, facilities, and enrollment and attendance data. These records are no longer being created. Minimum retention: Permanent.
(45) Surveys, Polls, and Questionnaires Records document the measurement of public opinion by or for the agency related to various issues, actions, and concerns. May include surveys, polls, questionnaires, summaries, abstracts and significant related records. Examples of summaries include studies which incorporate the significant results of public opinion surveys, abstracts of questionnaires designed to determine the skills and interests of citizens volunteering for agency service, and other records which distill survey data into summary form. Minimum Retention: (a) Retain summary reports and abstracts: 3 years (b) Retain all other records: Until summary report is completed or 3 years, whichever is sooner.
(46) Test Administration Records document the administration of assessment, placement, diagnostic, credit by exam, and other tests. Records may include but are not limited to rosters of test takers; testing rules and regulations; test administration records; examiner's manuals; exams and tests; test order and payment records; placement and test results; summary reports of results; and related correspondence and documentation. Minimum retention: 3 years after school year in which records were created.
(47) Work Order Records document requests and authorizations, according to existing contracts or agreements, for needed services and repairs to agency property and equipment. May include copy center work orders, printing orders, telephone service and installation requests, repair authorizations, and similar records. Minimum Retention: (a) Retain work completed by county personnel: 1 year (b) Retain work completed by outside vendors: 3 years.
(48) Work Schedule and Assignment Records document the scheduling and assigning of shifts, tasks, projects, or other work to agency employees. Useful for budget and personnel planning and review, assessing employee work performance, and other purposes. May include calendars, schedules, lists, charts, rosters, and related records. Minimum retention: 5 years.
(49) Year 2000 (Y2K) Planning Records document the planning and development of agency Y2K contingency plans. Records may include but are not limited to meeting minutes, correspondence, draft plans, work notes, plan test results, and final plan. Information includes type of systems vulnerable to Y2K, level of priority, and party responsible for system solution or troubleshooting. Minimum retention: Destroy.


Or. Admin. R. 166-400-0010
OSA 6-1997, f. & cert. ef. 4-22-97; Renumbered from 166-405-0010, OSA 1-2006, f. & cert. ef. 4-17-06; OSA 1-2008, f. & cert. ef. 1-30-08; OSA 3-2012, f. & cert. ef. 10-29-12; OSA 1-2017, f. & cert. ef. 1/13/2017

Stat. Auth.: ORS 192 & 357, Other Auth. Code of Federal Regulations Title 34

Stats. Implemented: ORS 192 & 357

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.