Or. Admin. R. 170-002-0140 - Special Procurements

(1) Generally. The Treasurer may award a Contract as a special procurement pursuant to the requirements of ORS 279B.085.
(2) Public Notice. The Treasurer will give public notice in the same manner as public notice under ORS 279B.055(4). The public notice will describe the Goods or Services or class of Goods or Services to be acquired through the special procurement. The Treasurer must provide at least seven (7) days from the date of the notice for affected persons to protest the special procurement.


Or. Admin. R. 170-002-0140
OST 1-2018, adopt filed 02/27/2018, effective 3/2/2018

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 279A.065

Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 279B.085 & ORS 279A.050(5)

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