Or. Admin. R. 213-004-0006 - Criminal History Scale

(1) The Criminal History Scale includes nine mutually exclusive categories used to classify an offender's criminal history according to the extent and nature of the offender's criminal history at the time the current crime or crimes of conviction is sentenced. The nine categories in the scale are labeled alphabetically and are arranged in order of seriousness from the most serious (Criminal History Category A) to the least serious (Criminal History Category I).
(2) An offender's criminal history is based upon the number of adult felony and Class A misdemeanor convictions and juvenile adjudications in the offender's criminal history at the time the current crime or crimes of conviction are sentenced. For crimes committed on or after November 1, 1989 a conviction is considered to have occurred upon the pronouncement of sentence in open court. For crimes committed prior to November 1, 1989 a conviction is considered to have occurred upon pronouncement in open court of a sentence, or upon the pronouncement in open court of the suspended imposition of a sentence. Prior adult convictions or juvenile adjudications which have been expunged shall not be considered when classifying an offender's criminal history. Prior findings of "guilty except for insanity" shall not be considered when classifying an offender's criminal history.
(3) Whether a prior offense should be classified as a misdemeanor conviction or a felony conviction for criminal history purposes shall be determined by the classification of the offense at the time of conviction as announced by the sentencing judge rather than by the sentence imposed for the crime.


Or. Admin. R. 213-004-0006
SSGB 2-1988, f. 12-30-88, cert. ef. 9-1-89; SSGB 1-1989, f. 5-25-89, cert. ef. 9-1-89; SSGB 2-1989, f. 10-17-89; SSGB 2-1993, f. 10-28-93, cert. ef. 11-1-93; CJC 1-1996, f. 3-6-96, cert. ef. 3-8-96; Renumbered from 253-004-0006

Stat. Auth.: ORS 137.667

Stats. Implemented: ORS 137.667 - ORS 137.669

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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