Or. Admin. R. 255-075-0096 - Denial of Rerelease Consideration

(1) Upon a finding of aggravation pursuant to Exhibit E or Exhibit H, the Board may deny rerelease on parole and set the parole release date up to two (2) days before the statutory good time date, or, in the case of murder or aggravated murder, require the parole violator to serve for life. This action requires the affirmative vote of a majority of members, except that if the result is life imprisonment, the full Board must vote unanimously.
(2) Denial of rerelease on parole requires a future disposition hearing.
(3) Cases in which the Board sets a parole violator within the guidelines set forth in rule 255-075-0079 and the result requires the parole violator to serve to the end of the sentence, do not require a majority vote of all members.
(4) At any time after denial of rerelease, the Board may adjust the parole release date to accommodate changes in the good time date.


Or. Admin. R. 255-075-0096
2PB 1-1984(Temp), f. & ef. 11-19-84; 2PB 1-1985, f. & ef. 2-28-85; PAR 1-1988(Temp), f. 3-11-88, ef. 3-14-88; PAR 6-1988, f. & ef. 5-19-88; PAR 7-1988, f. & ef. 7-1-88; PAR 8-1988, f. & ef. 7-1-88; PAR 1-1989(Temp), f. & ef. 4-19-89; PAR 3-1989, f. 10-13-89, ef. 10-16-89; PAR 4-1989, f. & ef. 11-1-93; PAR 3-1991(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 5-1-91; PAR 5-1991, f. & cert. ef. 10-15-91; PAR 10-1997, f. 3-11-97, cert. ef. 3-14-97; PAR 8-2020, amend filed 10/05/2020, effective 10/5/2020

Exhibits referenced are available from the agency.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 144.085, 144.120, 144.245, 144.395, 144.780 & 144.783 - 787

Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 144.085, 144.120, 144.245, 144.395, 144.780 & 144.783 - 787

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.