Or. Admin. R. 331-410-0012 - Denture Technology Supervisors for Individuals Obtaining Education and Clinical Practice

(1) To be approved as a supervisor for an individual obtaining education and clinical practice pursuant to OAR 331-407-0000, ORS 680.510, 680.515(1)(a) and 680.515(1)(b) an individual must:
(a) Hold a valid dentist license under ORS 679 or valid denturist license under ORS 680 and OAR 331-410-0030;
(b) Hold an oral pathology endorsement if supervisor is a denturist licensed under ORS 680 and OAR 331-410-0030;
(c) Have no current or pending disciplinary action imposed by the Office or other regulatory body;
(d) Submit proof of having been actively practicing denture technology for at least three years prior to requesting approval as a supervisor; and
(e) Submit a completed request for approval on a form prescribed by the Office.
(2) An approved supervisor may not supervise until all required documentation has been completed and submitted to the Office and the supervisor has received Office approval.
(3) An approved supervisor may supervise up to two individuals obtaining education and clinical practice.
(4) An approved supervisor must provide direct supervision defined under OAR 331-405-0020 when direct patient care is being provided for procedures listed under ORS 680.500(3)(b). The supervisor is responsible for guiding and monitoring the performance of the individual being supervised.
(5) An approved supervisor may provide indirect supervision defined under OAR 331-405-0020 when laboratory services are being performed as listed under ORS 680.500(3)(a).
(6) An approved supervisor must notify the Office in writing within 10 calendar days if an individual is no longer being supervised, and must provide the number of hours of training completed on a form prescribed by the Office.
(7) An approved supervisor must obtain signed informed consent from all patients before an individual obtaining training performs services on the patient.
(8) An approved supervisor must ensure that an individual obtaining training is clearly identified to patients.
(9) An approved supervisor must exercise management, guidance, and control over the activities of an individual obtaining education and clinical practice and must exercise professional judgment and be responsible for all matters related to the practice of denture technology.
(10) An approved supervisor must maintain documentation, including documentation with handwritten signature of the supervisor and supervisor's license number. Documentation must be kept on the business premises for a minimum of two years.
(11) An approved supervisor must adhere to all practice standards listed in OAR 331 division 420.
(12) An approved supervisor may only provide two years of direct supervision to each individual obtaining training pursuant to ORS 680.510(3).
(13) Office approval of a supervisor may be withdrawn if the supervisor provides incomplete or inadequate training during supervision or falsifies documentation.


Or. Admin. R. 331-410-0012
HLA 10-2013, f. & cert. ef. 7-1-13; HLO 70-2018, amend filed 02/28/2018, effective 3/1/2018

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 680.515, 676.586 & 676.615

Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 680.515

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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