Or. Admin. R. 333-035-0125 - Application for Licensure and Fees

(1) A person may not establish, conduct or maintain a hospice program providing hospice services, or hold itself out to the public as a hospice program, without obtaining a license from the Authority.
(a) A person applying for a new or renewal license to operate a hospice program shall submit a complete application on a form prescribed by the Authority, accompanied by the fee specified in ORS 443.860.
(b) A complete application for an initial license includes, but is not limited to:
(A) Documentation of written policies and procedures, including any forms and curricula to direct all administrative, personnel, and patient care operations;
(B) Documentation that patient care and documentation systems have been developed; and
(C) Documentation that sufficient, qualified, and trained employees or contractors are available to provide hospice services and that personnel records have been prepared for each employee or contractor.
(3) The Authority may deem an application incomplete if it does not include the information required by the Authority, is not accompanied by the appropriate fee, or at the time of initial survey fails to comply with subsection (2)(b) of this rule.
(4) The Authority may reject an application that is incomplete.
(a) Within 30 days of the change, a hospice program must inform the Authority in writing of any change in:
(A) Ownership;
(B) Ownership category (for example, corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship);
(C) Administrator;
(D) Business name;
(E) Medicare certification number;
(F) Primary and multiple locations;
(G) Physical location; or
(H) Mailing address.
(b) If ownership of a hospice program changes, the hospice program must submit a new license application indicating change of ownership along with the required fee.
(c) If a parent hospice program moves 30 miles or more from its current physical location, the parent hospice program must apply for a new license and pay the required fee.
(6) The Authority may issue a civil penalty for failure to timely notify the Authority of any changes under section (5) of this rule or suspend, revoke or deny the license.
(7) A hospice program may provide palliative care in addition to hospice services as defined in these rules. A hospice program providing palliative care is not subject to licensure as an in-home care agency under ORS 443.867.
(8) A hospice program licensed in a bordering state must be licensed in Oregon to provide care to patients located in Oregon. The hospice program must apply and be licensed in accordance with these rules. The hospice program is subject to these rules including, the geographic service area restrictions specified in OAR 333-035-0160.
(9) A hospice program license is nontransferable.
(10) Licensure fees are not prorated and are non-refundable.


Or. Admin. R. 333-035-0125
PH 19-2010, f. 8-30-10, cert. ef. 9-1-10; PH 16-2017, amend filed 11/08/2017, effective 01/01/2018; PH 204-2022, renumbered from 333-035-0055, filed 11/18/2022, effective 11/18/2022; PH 6-2023, amend filed 01/27/2023, effective 1/27/2023

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 443.860

Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 443.860 & 443.867

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.