Or. Admin. R. 350-060-0070 - Objections to the Record

(1) Before filing an objection to the record, a party shall attempt to resolve the matter with the governing body.
(2) An objection to the record shall be filed at the Commission office and served within 10 days following service of the record on the party filing the objection. The party filing the objection to the record shall certify that the objection is made in good faith, that the objection is material, that the objection was not made for the purpose of delay, and that he or she has contacted the governing body and attempted to resolve the objection. Objections may be made on the following grounds:
(a) The record does not include all materials included as part of the record during the proceedings before the governing body. The omitted item(s) shall be specified, as well as the basis for the claim that the item(s) are part of the record.
(b) The record contains material not included as part of the record during the proceedings before the governing body. The item(s) not included as part of the record during the proceedings before the governing body shall be specified, as well as the basis for the claim that the item(s) are not part of the record.
(c) The minutes do not accurately reflect the proceedings, or the transcripts of the meetings or hearings are incomplete.
(3) An objection on grounds that the minutes or transcripts are incomplete or inaccurate shall demonstrate with particularity how the minutes or transcripts are defective and shall explain with particularity why the defect is material. Upon such demonstration, the Chair of the Commission shall require the governing body to produce additional evidence to prove the accuracy of the contested minutes or transcripts. If the evidence regarding contested minutes is in an audiotape recording, a transcript of the relevant portion shall be submitted.
(4) The Chair of the Commission may conduct a telephone conference with the parties to consider any objections to the record.
(5) If an objection to the record is filed, the time limits for all further procedures under these rules shall be suspended. When the objection is resolved, the Chair of the Commission shall issue a letter or order declaring the record settled and setting forth the schedule for subsequent events. Unless otherwise provided by the Chair of the Commission, the date of the Chair's letter or order shall be deemed the date that the record is settled for purposes of computing subsequent time limits. A letter or an order of the Chair settling the record is not appealable to the full Commission.


Or. Admin. R. 350-060-0070
CRGC 2-1994, f. 5-4-94, cert. ef. 5-16-94; CRGC 1-2003, f. 6-23-03, cert. ef. 8-1-03; CRGC 1-2011, f. 3-23-11, cert. ef. 5-1-11

Stat. Auth.: ORS 196.150

Stats. Implemented: ORS 196.150, RCW 43.97.015, 16 U.S.C. § 544 c(b) & 16 U.S.C. § 544 m(a)(2)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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