Or. Admin. R. 414-305-0500 - Supervision of Children

(1) A certified child care center must ensure that children have the full attention of the required number of staff at all times who must:
(a) Be aware of what each child is doing;
(b) Know and take into account the age of each child, the child's individual behaviors, interests, and abilities, the layout of indoor and outdoor space, and any potential hazards or risks from activities children are engaged in;
(c) Be near enough to children to assist and respond when needed;
(d) Be within sight and sound, without relying on audio or video monitoring devices, except as specified in OAR 414305-0500(4).
(e) Not participate in personal activities that could interfere with supervision, such as visitors, phone calls, or electronic device use; and
(f) Provide supervision when contracted non-staff persons are with children (also see OAR 414-305-0400, Staff-to-Child Ratios and Group Size).
(2) A certified child care center's staff must position themselves or arrange indoor and outdoor equipment to allow supervision of children while playing on all equipment.
(3) A certified child care center must provide sufficient light in any room where children are napping or resting so that staff can clearly see each child's face from any point in the room.
(4) School-age children must be within sight or sound of staff at all times.
(a) School-age children out of direct visual contact must be monitored regularly and frequently and must be in approved activity areas; and
(b) With staff knowledge or permission, one child at a time may be out of sight and sound supervision, while on the premises of the child care program, when using the restroom or completing a task separate from the larger group, for a maximum of 5 minutes.


Or. Admin. R. 414-305-0500
ELD 10-2023, adopt filed 06/28/2023, effective 1/1/2024

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 329A.260

Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 329A.260

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.