Or. Admin. R. 629-603-0000 - Adaptive Management Program Purpose

(1) The purpose of the adaptive management program rules is to provide science-based recommendations and technical information to assist the Board of Forestry in determining when it is necessary or advisable to adjust rules, guidance, and training programs to achieve the biological goals and objectives.
(2) OAR 629-603-0000 through 629-603-0600 shall be known as the adaptive management program rules.
(3) It is the policy of the State of Oregon that regulation of forest practices for the protection of aquatic species shall, in addition to other statutory requirements, be subject to a process of adaptive management, whereby forest practice rules are:
(a) Monitored for effectiveness relative to the biological goals and objectives; and
(b) Modified if necessary to achieve the biological goals and objectives.
(4) The adaptive management program is established to implement the policy stated in section (3) of this rule.
(5) The purpose of the adaptive management program is to:
(a) Ensure timely and effective change as needed to meet biological goals and objectives.
(b) Provide predictability and stability of the process of changing regulation so landowners, regulators, and interested members of the public can understand and anticipate change.
(c) Apply best available science to decision-making.
(d) Effectively meet biological goals and objectives with less operationally expensive prescriptions when feasible.
(6) For the purposes of this rule division, the following definitions apply:
(a) "Adaptive management program committee" (AMPC) means the adaptive management program committee described in OAR 629-603-0300.
(b) "Best available science" means the standards developed pursuant to OAR 629-603-0400(4).
(c) "Biological goals and objectives" means the biological goals and objectives as set by the department for a habitat conservation plan to meet requirements of section 11(1) chapter 33, Oregon Laws 2022.
(d) "Independent research and science team" (IRST) means the independent research and science team described in OAR 629-603-0400.
(e) "IRST housing agency" means a public body that houses and supports the Independent Research and Science Team as described in OAR 629-603-0450.
(f) "Research agenda" means the plan developed by the AMPC pursuant to OAR 629-603-0200(5)(a).


Or. Admin. R. 629-603-0000
DOF 4-2022, adopt filed 11/09/2022, effective 11/15/2022; DOF 14-2023, amend filed 07/01/2023, effective 7/1/2023

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 527.710 & section 34(2), chapter 33, Oregon Laws 2022

Statutes/Other Implemented: section 34(1), chapter 33, Oregon Laws 2022

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.