Or. Admin. R. 629-680-0100 - Process for Board Evaluation of Threatened and Endangered Fish and Wildlife Species that use Resource Sites that are Sensitive to Forest Practices

(1) When a species is listed as threatened or endangered by state or federal authorities, the Board shall adopt rules to protect resource sites that are used by those species and that are sensitive to forest practices. The following process shall be used when the Board develops protection rules for these resource sites:
(a) The Board's evaluation shall be based on the best available information summarized in a technical review paper. The paper must be submitted by those proposing protection for resource sites used by a threatened or endangered species. The paper may be written by the State Forester, another agency, an organization or a person. The paper shall demonstrate how the resource sites are sensitive to forest practices. The paper may rely upon information used during the listing process and must:
(A) Identify the resource sites used by the species;
(B) Identify forest practices that conflict with the resource sites;
(C) Evaluate the biological consequences of the identified conflicts; and
(D) Propose protection requirements and exceptions for the resource sites.
(b) The State Forester shall review the technical paper submitted under subsection(1)(a) of this rule. The review shall include an evaluation of the literature used, consultation with technical experts and a technical review by experts chosen by the State Forester. The State Forester shall submit a report of this review to the Board.
(c) The Board shall review and accept or reject the information presented in subsections (1)(a) and (b) of this rule;
(d) Using the technical review paper and the State Forester's report, plus other available information for the species, the Board shall:
(A) Identify the resource sites for the species;
(B) Identify forest practices that conflict with the resource sites and evaluate the consequences of those conflicts;
(C) Determine the protection requirements for the resource sites; and
(D) Determine any exceptions criteria.
(2) The Board shall adopt protection requirements and exception criteria for resource sites used by the threatened or endangered species.
(3) The State Forester shall maintain an inventory of protected resource sites that are used by threatened or endangered species.
(4) When a threatened or endangered species is de-listed by the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Board shall determine whether continued protection of resource sites is warranted:
(a) If the Board determines that continued protection rules are warranted, the rules shall be promulgated under the appropriate statutory authority;
(b) If the Board determines that continued protection rules are not warranted, existing rules shall be repealed.


Or. Admin. R. 629-680-0100
FB 4-1991, f. & cert. ef. 5-23-91; FB 9-1996, f. 12-2-96, cert. ef. 1-1-97, Renumbered from 629-056-0100

Stat. Auth.: ORS 527.710

Stats. Implemented: ORS 527.715

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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