Or. Admin. R. 839-025-0340 - Circumventions of the Prevailing Wage Rate Law

(1) A public agency circumvents the payment of the prevailing rate of wage when it knowingly or intentionally:
(a) Fails or refuses to include a provision stating the existing prevailing rate of wage in the contract specifications in violation of ORS 279C.830;
(b) Fails or refuses to include a provision in the contract that workers on the contract shall be paid no less than the specified minimum hourly rate of wage in violation of ORS 279C.830;
(c) Divides a project for the purpose of avoiding compliance with ORS 279C.800 to 279C.870 in violation of ORS 279C.827.
(d) Awards a contract to a contractor whose name appears on the list of ineligibles maintained pursuant to ORS 279C.860.
(2) The "specified minimum hourly rate of wage" as used in section (1)(b) of this rule means the applicable prevailing rate of wage.
(3) A contractor circumvents the payment of the prevailing rate of wage when it knowingly or intentionally awards a contract to a contractor whose name appears on the list of ineligibles maintained pursuant to ORS 279C.860.


Or. Admin. R. 839-025-0340
BL 3-1996, f. & cert. ef. 1-26-96; Renumbered from 839-016-0340, BLI 7-2005, f. 2-25-05, cert. ef. 3-1-05; BLI 20-2007(Temp), f. 7-30-07, cert. ef. 8-1-07 thru 1-27-08; BLI 42-2007, f. 12-28-07, cert. ef. 1-1-08; BLI 9-2011, f. 10-27-11, cert. ef. 11-1-11

Stat. Auth.: ORS 279 & 651

Stats. Implemented: ORS 279.348 - 279.380

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.