Or. Admin. R. 851-031-0075 - Limited Licenses for Internationally Educated and Licensed Nurses (IELN)

(1) Refer to OAR 851-031-0026 for license requirements for IELN attending a graduate program requiring a clinical practicum component.
(2) IELN attending a research PhD program are not required to obtain a full or limited license when no direct care is provided and patient interaction is restricted to investigation protocol data collection and the student is under the supervision and nursing license of the Principle Investigator. Non-nurse Principle Investigators are not authorized to supervise IELN PhD students.
(3) A limited license is not required for an observation only experience. The sponsor, faculty, or preceptor will be accountable if the IELN observer is allowed to provide any type of patient care intervention. This constitutes practicing without a license.
(4) A limited license is required for those IELN who are attending a continuing education program or clinical experience as part of an exchange program or a program offering a precepted experience in nursing practice. The IELN works under the supervision of the faculty or sponsor; the preceptor is accountable for removing the IELN from the clinical experience if the preceptor deems the IELN is providing unsafe patient care. The IELN has a limited license and is accountable for their practice; however, the sponsor will be held accountable for allowing an IELN who has been reported to be unsafe to continue to participate in the clinical experience.
(5) The IELN must have a faculty or sponsor who has an unencumbered Oregon RN license who will take accountability for the experience of the IELN and assure that the clinical experience is commensurate with the IELN current scope of practice and that specific learning objectives are formulated.
(6) Requirements for a limited license under this section:
(a) A completed application per Board processes including the name of the program and accountable Oregon licensed sponsor, faculty, or preceptor.
(b) Primary source verification that the nurse is in good standing with their country's nursing licensure authority.
(c) The limited license is valid for one year or when the program is completed, whichever is least.


Or. Admin. R. 851-031-0075
BN 6-2021, adopt filed 06/21/2021, effective 7/1/2021

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 678.050 & ORS 678.150

Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 678.050

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.