Or. Admin. R. 853-040-0000 - Fees

(1) Applicants and registrants are subject to the provisions of OAR 331-010-0010 and 331-010-0020 regarding the payment of fees, penalties and charges.
(2) Fees established by the Office are:
(a) Nursing home administrator or residential care facility administrator application:
(A) License (including by reciprocity): $100
(B) Provisional license: $50
(C) AIT registration: $100
(D) Preceptor registration: $100
(b) Oregon laws and rules examination: $125
(c) Original issuance:
(A) License (including by reciprocity): $130 for one year
(B) Nursing home administrator provisional license: $50 for six months
(C) Residential care facility administrator provisional license: $50
(d) Renewal of license: $130 for one year
(e) Other administrative fees:
(A) Delinquency fee: $50 for each year in inactive status up to three years
(B) Replacement of license, including name change: $25
(C) Affidavit of licensure: $50
(D) Information Packet: $10
(E) An additional $25 administrative processing fee will be assessed if a NSF or non-negotiable instrument is received for payment of fees, penalties and charges.


Or. Admin. R. 853-040-0000
NHAB 1-2011, f. 12-15-11, cert. ef. 1-1-12; NHAB 10-2018, minor correction filed 02/02/2018, effective 2/2/2018; LTCA 1-2019, amend filed 05/14/2019, effective 5/15/2019

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 676.560, ORS 676.565, ORS 678.710-678.820, ORS 678.990 & 2018 House Bill 4129

Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 676.560, ORS 676.565, ORS 678.710-678.820, ORS 678.990 & 2018 House Bill 4129

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.