Or. Admin. R. 859-070-0015 - Elements of Conditional Release Order

The Board shall consider any or all of the following elements of a conditional release plan and determine which are appropriate and necessary to insure the safety of the public:

(1) Housing: Housing must be available for the patient. The Board may require 24-hour supervised housing, a supervised group home, foster care, housing with relatives or independent housing.
(2) Mental health treatment: Mental health treatment must be available in the community or at DOC. The Board-approved provider of the treatment must have had an opportunity to evaluate the patient and the proposed conditional release plan and to be heard before the Board. The Board shall not require an evaluation be performed by DOC staff prior to consideration of conditional release due to the nature of that state agency, its security and its resources for the provision of mental health services. The provider must have agreed to provide the necessary mental health treatment to the patient. The treatment may include: individual counseling, group counseling, home visits, prescription of medication or any other treatment recommended by the provider(s) and approved by the Board.
(3) Reporting responsibility: An individual must be available to be designated by the Board as having primary reporting responsibility and must have agreed to:
(a) Notify the Board in writing of the patient's progress at least once a month unless the patient is housed at DOC in which case progress reports will be submitted upon request of the Board;
(b) Notify the Board promptly of any grounds for revocation under OAR 859-080-0010;
(c) Notify the Board promptly of any significant changes in the implementation of the conditional release plan;
(d) Coordinate and monitor all elements of the conditional release plan.
(4) Special conditions: Special conditions may be imposed, including, but not limited to, the following: no consumption of alcohol, taking of antabuse, observation by designated individual of each ingestion of medication, submitting to drug screen tests, no driving, vocational activities, day treatment, attending school, working, or sex offender assessment and treatment.
(5) Parole and probation: Parole and probation supervision may be ordered.
(6) Agreement to conditional release: Patients shall agree to and sign a form promising to comply with the general conditions of release. This signed form shall be made a part of the conditional release plan. The conditions shall include notice that if the person leaves the state without authorization of the Board, the person may be charged with a new crime of escape. This subsection does not apply to a patient who is conditionally released to DOC.


Or. Admin. R. 859-070-0015
PSRB 1-1985, f. 1-3-85, ef. 1-15-85; PSRB 1-1995, f. & cert. ef. 1-11-95; PSRB 1-2013(Temp), f. 2-22-13, cert. ef. 3-1-13 thru 8-26-13; PSRB 2-2013, f. & cert. ef. 6-20-13

Stat. Auth.: ORS 161.387

Stats. Implemented: ORS 161.336 & 161.646

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.