Or. Admin. Code § 436-001-0003 - Applicability and Purpose of these Rules

(1) OAR 436-001-0005 through 436-001-0009 establish supplemental procedures for rulemaking under ORS chapter 183 and apply to all division rulemaking on or after the date the rules are effective.
(2) OAR 436-001-0019 through 436-001-0296 establish supplemental procedures for hearings on matters within the director's jurisdiction.
(a) In general, the rules of the Workers' Compensation Board in OAR chapter 438 apply to the conduct of hearings, unless these rules provide otherwise.
(b) Except for OAR 436-001-0030, these rules do not apply to hearings requested under ORS 656.740.
(c) These rules apply to hearings held on or after the date the rules are effective.
(3) OAR 436-001-0400 through 436-001-0440 apply to attorney fees awarded by the director under ORS 656.262, 656.277, and 656.386, and to attorney fees awarded by the director or administrative law judge under ORS 656.385(1).
(a) These rules apply to orders issued on or after the date the rules are effective, regardless of the date the claim was filed.
(b) For attorney fees that are ordered to be paid in reconsideration proceedings under ORS 656.268(6), OAR 436-030-0175 applies.
(4) OAR 436-001-0500 applies to any refund or credit processed by the director on or after the date the rule is effective, regardless of the date the payment was received.
(5) The director may waive procedural rules as justice requires, unless otherwise obligated by statute.


Or. Admin. Code § 436-001-0003
WCD 9-1992, f. & cert. ef. 5-22-92; WCD 6-1995(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 7-14-95; WCD 7-1996, f. & cert. ef. 2-12-96; WCD 8-1998, f. 8-10-98, cert. ef. 9-15-98; WCD 3-2004, f. 3-5-04 cert. ef. 4-1-04; WCD 7-2005, f. 10-20-05, cert. ef. 1-2-06; WCD 1-2006, f. 1-13-06, cert. ef. 1-17-06; WCD 1-2008, f. 6-13-08, cert. ef. 7-1-08; WCD 3-2009, f. 12-1-09, cert. ef. 1-1-10; WCD 3-2012(Temp), f. 6-13-12, cert. ef. 7-1-12 thru 12-27-12; WCD 7-2012, f. 11-16-12, cert. ef. 12-28-12; WCD 9-2015, f. 12-10-15, cert. ef. 1/1/2016; WCD 4-2018, amend filed 03/15/2018, effective 4/1/2018; WCD 1-2019, amend filed 03/11/2019, effective 4/1/2019; WCD 6-2022, amend filed 07/05/2022, effective 9/1/2022

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 656.726(4)

Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 656.704 & ORS 183

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.