The following definitions shall apply to OAR 437, unless the
context requires otherwise:
Abatement - Action by an employer to comply with a cited violation of the
Oregon Safe Employment Act.
Accepted disabling claims - Claims accepted for disabling occupational injuries
or illnesses only. A disabling injury or illness entitles the worker to
compensation for disability or fatality. This type of claim excludes temporary
total disability suffered during the first three calendar days after the
employee leaves work as a result of the injury unless the worker is an
inpatient in a hospital.
Accepted disabling claims rate - The ratio of accepted disabling claims to
annual average employment, times 100. Claims and employment figures are based
upon the best knowledge of the Department at the time the rate is calculated
(ADCR = Number of claims times 100 divided by the number of
(4) Act - The Oregon
Safe Employment Act (ORS
654.001 to
654.750 to
654.780, and
(5) Administrator - The Administrator of the
Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Division (Oregon OSHA).
(6) Affected employee - An employee who, in
the course and scope of employment, may be or may have been exposed to a
condition or practice described in a citation, order, application for an
extension date, or variance.
Agent of the employer - Any supervisor or person in charge or control of the
work or place of employment including, but not limited to, any manager,
superintendent, foreperson, or lead worker.
(8) Appeal - A written request for a hearing
to contest a citation, notice or order, a proposed assessment of civil penalty,
and the period of time fixed for correction of a violation, or any of these, by
filing with Oregon OSHA, within 30 days after receipt of the citation, notice
or order, a written request for a hearing before the Workers' Compensation
Board. Such a request need not be in any particular form, but must specify the
alleged violation that is contested and the grounds upon which the employer
considers the citation or proposed penalty or correction period unjust or
(9) Audiometric zero -
The lowest sound pressure level that the average young adult with normal
hearing can hear.
(10) Board - The
Workers' Compensation Board created by ORS
(11) Catastrophe - An accident in which two
or more employees are fatally injured, or three or more employees are admitted
to a hospital or to an equivalent medical facility.
(12) Citation - A document issued by Oregon
OSHA according to ORS
654.071 to cite a violation. A
citation may include a notice of penalty and a correction order.
(13) Complaint - A written or oral report
from an
employee representative, or other
person that an occupational
safety or health
violation may exist at a place of employment. A
complaint may
be classified as one of the following:
Imminent danger.
(c) Other than
(14) Compliance
officer - A designated Oregon OSHA employee responsible for conducting
inspections or investigations; identifying possible violations and hazards;
proposing citations, penalties, and correction dates; and assisting employers
and employees with information to correct violations and hazards.
(15) Comprehensive consultation - A
consultation to cover the entire establishment and entails a physical hazard
assessment evaluation and a review of records, written programs, and the
employer's illness and injury prevention plan. Comprehensive consultations
include a written report by the provider including findings, recommendations,
and the guidance necessary to resolve the problems noted in the
(16) Comprehensive
inspection - A substantially complete inspection of the establishment. An
inspection may be comprehensive even though, as a result of the exercise of
professional judgment, not all potentially hazardous conditions, operations,
and practices within those areas are inspected.
(17) Consultant - A designated Oregon OSHA
employee whose responsibility is to provide a full range of occupational safety
and health assistance including, but not limited to, providing employers,
employees, and other agency staff with information, advice, and recommendations
on maintaining safe employment or a place of employment; on correcting
violations or hazards; and on applicable occupational safety and health rules,
techniques, devices, methods, practices, and development of safety and health
(18) DART (Days Away,
Restricted, or Transferred) - The number of lost workday
injury and
cases experienced by 100 full-time workers (DART rate = Number of lost workday
cases times 200,000 divided by the number of
employee hours worked).
NOTE: Lost workday cases include both days away from work and
days of restricted time.
(19) Decibel (dB) - Unit of measurement of
sound level. For purposes of this rule, decibels refer to the combined average
of the readings at 2000, 3000, and 4000 Hz on the audiogram.
(20) Department - The Department of Consumer
and Business Services.
Director - The Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services, or
the director's designee.
Division - The Oregon Occupational Safety and Health (Oregon OSHA) Division of
the Department of Consumer and Business Services.
(23) Emphasis Program - A special program
that targets Oregon OSHA activity to industries that have a high potential for
serious injuries or illnesses, according to national or state data.
(24) Employee - Any individual, including a
minor, whether lawfully or unlawfully employed, who engages to furnish services
for a remuneration, financial or otherwise, and who is subject to the direction
and control of an
employer, and includes:
Salaried, elected and appointed officials of the state, state agencies,
counties, cities, school districts, and other public corporations.
(b) Any person provided with workers'
compensation coverage as a subject worker under ORS Chapter 656, whether by
operation of law or by election.
(25) Employee exposure record - A record of
monitoring or measuring that contains qualitative or quantitative information
indicative of employee exposures to toxic materials or harmful physical agents.
This includes both individual exposure records and general research or
statistical studies based on information collected from exposure
(26) Employee medical
record - A
record that contains information concerning the health status of an
employee or employees exposed or potentially exposed to toxic materials or
harmful physical agents. These records may include, but are not limited to:
(a) The results of medical examinations and
(b) Any opinions or
recommendations of a physician or other health professional concerning the
health of an employee or employees; and
(c) Any employee medical complaints relating
to workplace exposure. Employee medical records include both individual medical
records and general research or statistical studies based on information
collected from medical records.
(27) Employee representative - A bargaining
unit representative, or an individual selected by employees, who serves as
their spokesperson.
(28) Employer:
(a) Any person who has one or more employees,
(b) Any sole proprietor or
member of a partnership who elects workers' compensation coverage as a subject
worker according to ORS
656.128, or
(c) Any corporation in relation to the
exposure of its corporate officers except for corporations without workers'
compensation coverage under ORS
656.128 and whose only employee
is the sole owner of the corporation, or
(d) Any successor or assignee of an
For purposes of this definition and ORS
a business or
enterprise is substantially the same entity as the predecessor
employer if:
(A) A majority of the current
business or enterprise is owned by the former owners or their immediate family
members, and
(B) One or more of the
following criteria exist for both the current and predecessor business or other
(i) Substantially the same type
of business or enterprise.
Similar jobs and working conditions.
(iii) A majority of the machinery, equipment,
facility, or methods of operation.
(iv) Similar product or service.
(v) A majority of the same supervisory
(vi) A majority of the
same officers and directors.
NOTE: Not every element needs to be present for an employer to
be a successor. The cumulative facts will determine the employer's
(29) Employer representative - An individual
selected by the employer, to serve as spokesperson or, in the absence of a
selected spokesperson, the person in charge of the place of employment at the
time of the inspection.
Environmental exposure sampling - Sampling of the workplace environment,
performed for a variety of reasons including identifying of contaminants and
their sources, determining worker exposures, and checking the effectiveness of
(31) Establishment - An
establishment is a single physical location doing business, offering services,
or having industrial operations. For activities where employees do not work at
a single physical location, such as construction; transportation;
communications, electric, gas, and sanitary services; and similar operations,
establishment is the main or branch office, terminal, station, etc. that
either supervise such activities or are the base for personnel to carry out
these activities.
(a) One location/multiple
establishments. Normally, one business location has only one
Under limited conditions, two or more separate businesses that share a single
location are separate establishments. An
employer may divide one location into
two or more establishments only when:
(A) Each
of the establishments represents a distinctly separate business;
(B) Each business is engaged in a different
economic activity;
(C) Separate
reports are routinely prepared for each establishment on the number of
employees, their wages and salaries, sales or receipts, and other business
information. For example, if an employer operates a construction company at the
same location as a lumber yard, each business can be a separate
Multiple locations/one
establishment. Only under certain conditions. An
employer may combine two or more physical locations into a single
only when:
(A) The employer operates the
locations as a single business operation under common management;
(B) The locations are all near each other;
(C) The employer keeps one set
of business records for all the locations, such as records on the number of
employees, their wages and salaries, sales or receipts, and other kinds of
business information. For example, one manufacturing establishment might
include the main plant, a warehouse a few blocks away, and an administrative
services building across the street.
(c) Telecommuting from home. For employees
who telecommute from home, the
employee's home is not
a business establishment,
and a separate 300 Log is not required. Employees who telecommute must be
linked to one of the business' establishments under
(32) Farm operation - Any
operation involved in the growing or harvesting of crops or the raising of
livestock or poultry.
(33) Filed -
A document is considered to have been filed on the date of postmark if mailed,
or on the date of receipt, if transmitted by other means to Oregon OSHA, DCBS,
or the WCB.
(34) First aid - Any
one-time treatment and subsequent observation of minor scratches, cuts, burns,
splinters, or similar injuries that do not ordinarily require medical care.
Such one-time treatment and subsequent observation is considered first aid even
though it is provided by a physician or registered professional
(35) Fixed place of
employment - The entire facility maintained by an employer at one general
location, and operations provided from that facility, regardless of the size or
number of departments or buildings in the facility. For the purpose of
determining repeat violations, fixed place of employment includes employers or
owners engaged in construction activity who will be at a single worksite
continuously for more than 24 months. Forest activities are excluded as are
construction sites established for a period of 24 months or less.
(36) Hazard - A condition, practice, or act
that could result in an injury or illness to an employee.
(37) Health hazard - Health hazards mean
carcinogens, lead, silica, toxic metals and fumes, vapors or gases, toxic or
highly corrosive liquids or chemicals, chemical sensitizers, pesticides,
fungicides, solvents, biological agents, and harmful physical stress
(38) Imminent danger - A
condition, practice, or act that exists in any place of employment and could
reasonably be expected to cause death or serious physical harm
(39) Injury or
- An
injury or
illness is an abnormal condition or disorder. Injuries include
cases such as, but not limited to, a cut, fracture, sprain, or amputation.
Illnesses include both acute and chronic
illnesses, such as, but not limited
to, skin disease, respiratory disorder, or poisoning.
NOTE: Record injuries and illnesses only if they are new,
work-related cases that meet one or more of the recording criteria.
(40) Inspection - An official
examination of a place of employment by a
compliance officer to determine if an
employer is in compliance with the
Programmed. Inspections conducted under the provisions of OAR
(b) Unprogrammed.
(A) Follow-up inspection - An inspection to
determine if a previously identified violation has been corrected.
(B) Complaint inspection - An inspection made
in response to a complaint.
Accident investigation - A systematic appraisal of an accident sequence to
determine causal factors, corrective actions and preventative
(D) Referral inspection -
An inspection made in response to a referral.
(41) Letter of corrective action - A letter
stating the corrective action(s) taken by the employer to comply with the
violation(s) that were not corrected at the time of the inspection.
(42) Lost workdays - The actual number of
days after, but not including, the day of injury or illness when the employee
would have worked, but could not perform all or any part of their normal
assignment during all or any part of the employee's next regular workday or
shift because of the occupational injury or illness.
(43) Medical treatment - Treatment
administered by a physician or by registered professional personnel under the
standing orders of a physician. Medical treatment does not include first aid
treatment even though provided by a physician or registered professional
personnel, nor does it include treatment ordinarily considered diagnostic or
preventative in nature.
(44) MOD
(Experience Rating Modification Factor) - Experience rating recognizes the
differences among individual insureds with respect to safety and loss
prevention. It compares the experience of individual insureds with the average
insured in the same classification. The differences are reflected by an
experience rating modification, based on individual payroll and loss records,
that may result in an increase, decrease, or no change in premium.
(45) North American Industry Classification
System (NAICS) - A classification system developed by the Executive Office of
the President/Office of Management and Budget, for use in classifying
establishments by the type of activity in which they are engaged. Each
establishment is assigned an industry code for its major activity.
(46) Order to correct - A written Oregon OSHA
order that directs an employer to abate a violation within a given period of
(47) Owner - Every person
having ownership, control, or custody of any place of employment or of the
construction, repair, or maintenance of any place of employment.
(48) Partial inspection - An inspection with
focus limited to certain potentially hazardous areas, operations, conditions,
or practices at the establishment. The inspection may include review of injury
and illness records and any required programs relative to the
(49) Person - One or
more individuals, legal representatives, partnerships, joint ventures,
associations, corporations (whether or not organized for profit), business
trusts, or any organized group of persons, and includes the state, state
agencies, counties, municipal corporations, school districts, and other public
corporations or subdivisions.
Personal exposure samples - Measurement of contaminants or physical agents to
characterize the environment in the breathing or hearing zone of individual
workers in order to evaluate their specific work exposures. Personal samplers
are placed on the worker to obtain either one continuous sample covering a
portion of the workday or consecutive samples covering a stated time
(51) Physician or other
licensed health care professional - A physician or other licensed health care
professional is an individual whose legally permitted scope of practice (i.e.,
license, registration, or certification) allows them to independently perform,
or be delegated the responsibility to perform, the activities described by this
(52) Place of
(a) Includes every place that is
fixed or movable; indoors, outdoors, or underground; and the premises and
structures appurtenant thereto.
Includes every place where an employee works or intends to work either
temporarily or permanently.
Includes every place where there is any process, operation, or activity
related, either directly or indirectly, to an employer's industry, trade,
business, or occupation, including a labor camp provided by an employer for
their employees or by another person engaged in providing living quarters or
shelters for employees.
(d) Does
not include any place where the only employment involves nonsubject workers
employed in or around a private home.
(e) Does not include any corporate farm where
the only employment involves the farm's family members, including parents,
spouses, sisters, brothers, daughters, sons, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law,
nieces, nephews, or grandchildren.
(53) Record - Any recorded information
regardless of its physical form or character.
(54) Recordable occupational injuries or
illnesses - Any occupational injuries or
illnesses that result in:
(a) Fatalities, regardless of the time
between the injury and death, or the length of the illness;
(b) Lost workday cases, other than
fatalities, that prevent the employee from performing their normal assignment
during any part of the employee's next regular, or any subsequent workday or
shift; or
(c) Nonfatal cases
without lost workdays that result in transferring to another job or terminating
employment, require medical treatment (other than first aid), or involve loss
of consciousness or restriction of work or motion. This category also includes
any diagnosed occupational illnesses that are reported to the employer but are
not classified as fatalities or lost workday cases.
(55) Referral - A notification made to the
responsible agency of safety or health violations observed by an Oregon OSHA
employee, other federal, state or local government representatives, or the
(56) Rule - Any agency
directive, standard, regulation or statement of general applicability that
implements, interprets, or prescribes law or policy, or describes the
procedures or practice requirements of the agency and that is adopted according
to the Administrative Procedures Act. The term includes the amendment or repeal
of a prior rule, but does not include, unless a hearing is required by statute,
internal management directives, regulations, or statements that do not
substantially affect the interests of the public.
(57) Scheduling list - An electronic or paper
list of places of employment or employers scheduled for inspection.
(58) Serious physical harm:
(a) Injuries that could shorten life or
significantly reduce physical or mental efficiency by inhibiting, either
temporarily or permanently, the normal function of a part of the body. Examples
of such injuries are amputations, fractures (both simple and compound) of
bones, cuts involving significant bleeding or extensive suturing, disabling
burns, concussions, internal injuries, and other cases of comparable
(b) Illnesses that could
shorten life or significantly reduce physical or mental efficiency by
inhibiting, either temporarily or permanently, the normal function of a part of
the body, even though the effects may be cured by halting exposure to the cause
or by medical treatment. Examples of such illnesses are cancer, pneumoconiosis,
narcosis, or occupational infections (caused by biological agents), and other
cases of comparable severity.
(59) Standard threshold shift (STS) - A
change in hearing threshold relative to the baseline audiogram of an average of
10 dB or more in either ear.
Substantially similar - As it relates to a repeat violation, a second violation
that is closely related in substance or form to a previous violation.
(61) Suspended penalty - A penalty that is
determined but not assessed.
Variance - The written authority given by Oregon OSHA to an
employer permitting
the use of a specific alternative means or method to comply with the intent of
rule. Specific types of variances are:
Permanent - A
variance that remains in effect until modified or revoked
according to OAR
(b) Temporary - A variance granted for a
stated period of time to permit the employer to achieve compliance with a new
(c) Research - A variance
granted for a stated period of time to allow industrial or governmental
research designed to demonstrate or validate new and improved safety or health
techniques or products; and
Interim order - The temporary authority for an employer to use an alternative
means or method by which the employer effectively safeguards the safety and
health of employees until final action can be taken on the variance
(63) Violation
- The breach of a
person's duty to comply with an Oregon occupational safety or
health statute, regulation,
rule, standard, or order.
(a) Specific classifications of violations
(A) Serious violation - A violation
where there is substantial probability that death or serious physical harm
could result from an existing condition or from one or more practices, means,
methods, operations, or processes that have been adopted or are in use in a
place of employment unless the employer did not, and could not with the
exercise of reasonable diligence, know about the violation;
(B) Other than serious violation - A
violation that is other than a serious or minimal violation; and
(C) Minimal violation - A violation that does
not have a direct or immediate relationship to the safety or health of
(b) Specific
types of the above classifications are:
Willful violation - A violation that is committed knowingly by an employer or
supervisory employee who, having a free will or choice, intentionally or
knowingly disobeys or recklessly disregards the requirements of a statute,
regulation, rule, standard, or order.
(B) Unabated violation - A violation that has
not been fully corrected by the date ordered.
(C) Repeat
(i) An employer's second or subsequent
violation involving a substantially similar violation as the earlier violation
or violations.
(ii) In these rules,
repeat, repeated, and repeatedly are used synonymously.
(D) First-instance violation - An employer's
first violation of a particular statute, regulation, rule, standard, or
(E) Egregious - Those
conditions that normally constitute a flagrant violation of the Oregon Safe
Employment Act, or Oregon OSHA standards, or regulations such that each
instance of the violation is cited separately.
(c) Combined violation - Multiple violations
of the same statute, regulation, rule, standard, or order within an
establishment that have been combined as one violation to indicate an overall
lack of compliance with a safety or health statute, regulation, rule, standard,
or order.
(d) Grouped violation -
Multiple violations of different statutes, regulations, rules, standards, or
orders within an
establishment that have been combined as one
(A) To indicate an increase in the severity
or probability of the violation, or
(B) Recordkeeping and posting requirements
involving the same document, or
The violations are so closely related as to constitute a single hazardous