Or. Admin. Code § 584-010-0006 - Definitions
(1) "Approved
Institution:" A U.S. regionally accredited or internationally accredited
institution of higher education approved to prepare licensed personnel by the
governmental jurisdiction in which the institution is located.
(2) "Approved Program :" A program of educator
preparation approved by the Commission and offered by a regionally accredited
institution. As it applies to out-of-state or international programs, a program
approved by the licensure body of the governmental jurisdiction authorized to
approve educator preparation programs.
(3) "Area for Improvement (AFI):" A statement
cited by the Commission or the on-site program or unit review team indicating
that a unit or program has not met expected levels of achievement in one or
more elements of a standard. The Commission and the unit or program review team
may cite one or more areas for improvement and still recommend or find that the
standard is "met."
(4) "At Risk
Unit :" A unit that the Commission determines is "at risk" of becoming
"low-performing." The "at risk" designation would follow an onsite review by
the Commission and findings of multiple areas for improvement. Such a unit is
required to respond to Commission -imposed conditions and stipulations and must
provide evidence within the time indicated by the Commission that the
Commission 's concerns have been addressed. Units receiving an "at risk"
designation will be subject to an on-site review team follow-up visit that
focuses on the areas for improvement noted by the accreditation team during the
original visit.
(5) "Candidate :"
Candidate includes but is not limited to persons preparing to teach, teachers
who are continuing their professional development enrolled in an approved
program and persons preparing for other professional roles in schools such as
administrators, school counselors, school psychologists, and school social
workers in a program approved by the Commission .
(6) "Commission :" Teacher Standards and
Practices Commission (TSPC).
"Conceptual Framework:" An underlying structure in a professional education
unit that gives conceptual meaning to the unit's operations through an
articulated rationale and provides direction for programs, courses, teaching,
candidate performance, faculty scholarship and service, and unit
(8) "Consortium:"
An advisory body to the unit that reviews, evaluates, and makes recommendations
in accordance with OAR 584-017-1025 Consortium.
(9) "Director of Teacher Education:" The
Commission staff member responsible for coordinating program approval within
the agency.
(10) "Educator
Preparation Programs:" Programs preparing licensed teachers, personnel service
specialists, or administrators. Oregon Revised Statutes use the term "teacher
education" to refer to all programs preparing licensed educational personnel
for public elementary and secondary schools, and is not exclusive to programs
for preparation of classroom teachers.
(11) "Executive Director :" The Executive
Director of the Commission .
"Field or Clinical Experiences:" All supervised clinical field experiences
including student teaching, internships, observation experiences and experience
necessary to complete an education preparation licensure program .
(13) "Institutional Report:" A report that
provides the institutional and unit contexts, a description of the unit's
conceptual framework, and evidence that the unit is meeting the
Commission -adopted unit standards. The report serves as primary documentation
for on-site review teams conducting on-site visits.
(14) "Liaison Officer:" The person designated
by the unit to submit all program modifications for Commission approval, issue
all recommendations for licensure under the approved program , authorize all
waivers of professional courses for students enrolled in the program , and
handle all correspondence between Commission staff and the unit.
(15) "Low Performing Unit:" A unit is
determined to be "low performing" by the Commission if following on on-site
review team visit, the imposition of conditions or stipulations and a
subsequent follow-up on-site visit, the institution failed to meet the
Commission 's standards of quality and effectiveness. Units found to be "low
performing" are denied TSPC approval and accreditation to offer educator
licensure programs. A unit denied accreditation is prohibited from offering
educator preparation programs in Oregon and denied from recommending educators
for licensure for a minimum of two years. At the end of such time, the unit may
apply for program approval (accreditation) and is required to submit a formal
application and demonstrate that the problems identified in the original unit
review have been addressed and that the program meets all current requirements
for program approval and educator licensure in effect at the time of
application for approval.
"Major Modifications:" Changes of program philosophy, curricula, practica,
resources, personnel, or performance standards
(17) "Off Campus Programs:" Include but are
not limited to:
(a) Off-campus programs in
the same state; or
(b) Off-campus
programs offered at sites outside of the state or in another country.
(c) Branch campuses must be
included in the unit's review if the:
Programs are limited in number and size;
(B) Programs are located in close proximity
to the parent campus; or
Program completers are eligible for licensure in Oregon.
(18) "On-Site Review
Team:" Team appointed by the Commission to conduct an on-site review for
purposes of approval of educator licensure preparation programs.
(19) "Program :" Program includes but is not
limited to an academic program designed for one of the following outcomes: Add
an endorsement, grade level authorization or result in a new licensure area
such as an Initial or Continuing, Professional License in teaching,
administration or personnel service.
(20) "Regional Accrediting Associations:"
Colleges and universities approved for teacher education must be accredited by
the appropriate regional association at the time the degree or program is
completed. The regional associations are: New England Association of Schools
and Colleges; Commission on Institutions of Higher Education; North Central
Association of Colleges and Schools; The Higher Learning Commission ; Northwest
Commission on Colleges and Universities; Middle States Association of Colleges
and Schools; Commission on Higher Education; Southern Association of Colleges
and Schools; Commission on Colleges; or Western Association of Schools and
Colleges; Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities.
(21) "Specialized Professional
Associations or SPAs:" The national organizations that represent teachers,
professional education faculty, and other school professionals who teach a
specific subject matter (e.g., mathematics or social studies), teach students
at a specific developmental level (i.e., early childhood, elementary, middle
level, or secondary), teach students with specific needs (e.g., bilingual
education or special education), administer schools (e.g., principals or
superintendents), or provide services to students (e.g., school counselors or
school psychologists). Many of these associations are member organizations of
NCATE and have standards for both students in schools and candidates preparing
to work in schools.
(22) "Unit:"
Also known as the "professional education unit." The college, school, or
department or other administrative bodies in colleges, universities, or other
organizations recognized by the Commission as having the responsibility for
managing or coordinating all programs offered for the initial and advanced
preparation of teachers and other school professionals regardless of where
these programs are housed in an institution. The professional education unit
must include in its accreditation review all programs offered by the
institution for the purpose of preparing teachers and other school personnel to
work in pre-k through twelfth grade settings.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 342
Stats. Implemented: ORS 342.120 - 342.430; 342.455 - 342.495; 342.533
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