Or. Admin. Code § 845-025-5500 - Marijuana Worker Permit

(1) A marijuana worker permit is required for any individual who performs work for or on behalf of a marijuana retailer, producer, processor or wholesaler if the individual participates in:
(a) The delivery, possession, handling, production, propagation, processing, securing or selling of marijuana items at the premises for which the license has been issued;
(b) The recording of the delivery, possession, handling, production, propagation, processing, securing or selling of marijuana items at the premises for which the license has been issued;
(c) The verification of any document described in ORS 475C.217; or
(d) The direct supervision of a person described in subsections (a) to (c) of this section.
(2) An individual who is required by section (1) of this rule to hold a marijuana worker permit must carry that permit on his or her person at all times when performing work on behalf of a marijuana retailer.
(3) A person who holds a marijuana worker permit must notify the Commission in writing within 10 days of any conviction for a felony.
(4) A marijuana retailer, producer, processor or wholesaler must verify that an individual has a valid marijuana worker permit issued in accordance with OAR 845-025-5500 to 845-025-5590 before allowing the individual to perform any work at the licensed premises.


Or. Admin. Code § 845-025-5500
OLCC 3-2015(Temp), f. 12-3-15, cert. ef. 1-1-16 thru 6-28-16; OLCC 6-2016, f. 6-28-16, cert. ef. 6/29/2016; OLCC 9-2016(Temp), f. 6-28-16, cert. ef. 6-30-16 thru 12-26-16; OLCC 22-2016, f. 12-22-16, cert. ef. 12/27/2016; OLCC 15-2017, amend filed 12/22/2017, effective 12/28/2017; OLCC 14-2018, amend filed 12/27/2018, effective 12/28/2018; OLCC 21-2021, amend filed 12/30/2021, effective 1/1/2022; OLCC 131-2022, minor correction filed 03/25/2022, effective 3/25/2022; OLCC 202-2022, amend filed 11/21/2022, effective 1/1/2023

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 475C.269 & 475C.273

Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 475C.269 & 475C.273

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.