1. § 859-400-0001 - Background/Purpose of Rules/Applicability
  2. § 859-400-0005 - Definitions
  3. § 859-400-0010 - Sex Offender Risk Assessment Methodology
  4. § 859-400-0015 - Classifying Agency/Sharing of Records
  5. § 859-400-0020 - Timelines for Classifying Registrants
  6. § 859-400-0025 - Failure of Registrant to Participate in the Risk Assessment/Failure to Provide Information for Assessment
  7. § 859-400-0030 - Procedures for Classifying and Notifying Adult Male Registrants
  8. § 859-400-0035 - Procedures for Classifying and Notifying Young Male Registrants, Female Registrants, and Category B Registrants
  9. § 859-400-0040 - Releasing Information to the Public and Law Enforcement
  10. § 859-400-0045 - Requests for Reclassification/Relief
  11. § 859-400-0050 - Petition for Relief
  12. § 859-400-0060 - Time Frame
  13. § 859-400-0070 - Timing of Relief Hearing
  14. § 859-400-0080 - Notice of Relief Hearing/Request for Continuance/Withdrawal of Petition
  15. § 859-400-0090 - Principal Issue before the Panel/Challenges to Initial Sex Offender Risk Score
  16. § 859-400-0100 - Quorum and Decisions of Sex Offender Relief Panel
  17. § 859-400-0110 - Public Meetings Law
  18. § 859-400-0120 - Records
  19. § 859-400-0130 - Confidentiality
  20. § 859-400-0140 - Evidence Considered; Admissibility
  21. § 859-400-0150 - Motion Practice
  22. § 859-400-0160 - Independent Examination of Petitioner
  23. § 859-400-0170 - Objections to Evidence
  24. § 859-400-0180 - Witnesses and Documents; Subpoena
  25. § 859-400-0190 - Testimony Given on Oath
  26. § 859-400-0200 - Standard and Burden of Proof
  27. § 859-400-0210 - Mandatory Personal Appearance
  28. § 859-400-0220 - Decisions of the Panel; Final Orders; Re-application
  29. § 859-400-0230 - Submission of Final Order of Relief to Oregon State Police

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.