25 Pa. Code § 245.313 - Remedial action completion report

(a) When the selected remediation standard has been attained, the responsible party shall submit a remedial action completion report to the Department.
(b) The remedial action completion report must be complete and concisely organized and must contain the following elements, as necessary, based on the remediation standard attained:
(1) Data demonstrating that the remedial actions have attained the selected standard for the site in accordance with Chapter 250, Subchapter G (relating to demonstration of attainment).
(2) When the background standard has been attained, the remedial action completion report shall include the requirements in § 250.204(f) and (g) (relating to final report).
(3) When the Statewide health standard has been attained, the remedial action completion report shall include the requirements in § 250.312(a)-(h) (relating to final report).
(4) When the site-specific standard is attained, the remedial action completion report shall include the requirements in § 250.411(c), (d) and (f) (relating to final report).
(5) For fate and transport analyses, the following information, in addition to that required by § 250.204(f)(5):
(i) An isoconcentration map showing the configuration and concentrations of contaminants within the plume being analyzed.
(ii) Sufficient information from monitoring data to establish whether the plume is stable, shrinking or expanding.
(iii) Input parameters for the analysis and the rationale for their selection.
(iv) Figures showing the orientation of the model or analysis to the field data.
(v) Comparison and analysis of the model or mathematical output to the actual field data.
(c) Following submission of the remedial action completion report, the Department will publish an acknowledgment of receipt of the remedial action completion report in the Pennsylvania Bulletin and do one or more of the following:
(1) Review and approve the remedial action completion report as submitted.
(2) Review and approve the remedial action completion report with modifications made by the Department.
(3) Review and disapprove the remedial action completion report, citing deficiencies.
(4) Review and disapprove the remedial action completion report and direct, require or order the responsible party to perform other tasks or make modifications as prescribed by the Department.
(5) Review and disapprove the remedial action completion report, perform the site characterization or remedial action and recover, in accordance with § 245.303(b) (relating to general requirements), the Department's costs and expenses involved in preparing the remedial action completion report.
(6) Publish a notice of its final action in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
(d) The Department will take one or more of the actions listed in subsection (c) within 60 days of receipt of the remedial action completion report demonstrating attainment of the background or Statewide health standard, or within 90 days of receipt of a remedial action completion report demonstrating attainment of the site-specific standard. If the Department does not respond, in writing, within the allotted time, the report shall be deemed approved, unless the responsible party and the Department agree, in writing, to an alternative time frame.


25 Pa. Code § 245.313
The provisions of this § 245.313 amended November 30, 2001, effective 12/1/2001, 31 Pa.B. 6615; amended December 21, 2018, effective 12/22/2018, 48 Pa.B. 7875.

This section cited in 25 Pa. Code § 78a.66 (relating to reporting and remediating spills and releases); 25 Pa. Code § 245.435 (relating to reporting and recordkeeping); and 25 Pa. Code § 253.1 (relating to definitions).

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