25 Pa. Code § 90.156 - Revegetation: seedbed preparation

(a) The soil surface shall be prepared by disking or harrowing. If soil conditions or steep slopes prohibit the practices, the soil surface shall be scarified by any mechanical method which will loosen the surface material. Scarification will not be required if seeding is done immediately following final grading when the soil is still loose.
(b) Disking or harrowing shall be accomplished following or along the contours of all slopes.
(c) Topsoil shall be disked or harrowed to a depth of at least 3 inches prior to seeding.


25 Pa. Code § 90.156
The provisions of this § 90.156 adopted December 19, 1980, 10 Pa.B. 4789, effective 7/31/1982, 12 Pa.B. 2382; amended July 30, 1982, 12 Pa.B. 2473, effective 7/31/1982, 12 Pa.B. 2382.

This section cited in 25 Pa. Code § 90.33 (relating to reclamation plan); 25 Pa. Code § 90.100 (relating to nutrients and soil amendments); 25 Pa. Code § 90.105 (relating to stream channel diversions); 25 Pa. Code § 90.108 (relating to hydrologic balance: sedimentation ponds); 25 Pa. Code § 90.125 (relating to coal refuse disposal: construction requirements); and 25 Pa. Code § 90.150 (relating to protection of fish, wildlife and related environmental values).

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.