28 Pa. Code § 1105.5 - Changes in availability or location of WIC authorized stores
Notification of store closing. A WIC authorized store shall
notify the Department at least 15 days prior to a temporary or permanent
closing of the store, and provide the reason for closing and the expected
duration of a temporary closing, if it has at least 15 days prior knowledge.
Otherwise, it shall provide this information to the Department immediately
after it acquires the information.
Temporary store closing.
The Department may permit a WIC authorized store to temporarily close for
reasons such as a natural disaster, death in immediate family or personal
illness, without imposing a sanction against the store. In making a
determination to permit a temporary closure, as well as the length of time of
the closure, the Department will consider circumstances such as the nature of
the disaster, number of WIC authorized stores affected by the disaster, nature
and expected duration of illness, length of closing anticipated by the WIC
authorized store , number of and distance to other WIC authorized stores, number
of participants served by the store, or any other information that the
Department may determine to be relevant.
Store closing for
(1) A WIC authorized
store that closes for less than 15 days for remodeling shall continue as a WIC
authorized store if it notifies the Department at least 15-calendar days prior
to the day the store closes for remodeling.
(2) A WIC authorized store that closes in
excess of 15 store operation days for remodeling, shall automatically lose its
status as a WIC authorized store and shall apply for and secure authorization
before it may again serve as a WIC authorized store .
Store relocations.
(1) A WIC authorized store that relocates 1
mile or less from its current location or within the same geographical area
assigned to the local agency , and reopens within 15-calendar days at its new
location, shall provide the Department with written notification of its new
address. The store will continue as a WIC authorized store if it notifies the
Department at least 15-calendar days prior to the day the store closes for
(2) A WIC authorized
store that relocates in excess of 1 mile of its current location and to a
geographical area assigned to another local agency shall automatically lose its
status as a WIC authorized store and shall apply for authorization at its new
location to again serve as a WIC authorized store .
(3) A WIC authorized store that closes in
excess of 3 store operation days for relocating shall notify the Department
before doing so, or shall automatically lose its status as a WIC authorized
store and shall apply for authorization to again serve as a WIC authorized
store .
The provisions of this § 1105.5 amended under section 2102(g) of The Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P. S. § 532(g)).
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