34 Pa. Code § 41.32 - Construction

(a) Location. Toilet rooms shall not be located more than one floor above or below the regular place of work of the person or persons for whose use they are provided, except in those buildings where a sufficient number of passenger elevators are provided and their use permitted to employes at all times. No toilet room shall come into direct contact with any room in which food products are manufactured or in which unwrapped food products are prepared, stored, handled, or sold, unless separated by a vestibule with doors. The doors of both the toilet room and the vestibule shall be provided with effective self-closing devices.
(b) Partitions for separate facilities. Partitions separating toilet rooms provided for the opposite sexes, shall be soundproof and constructed of material which is not transparent or translucent; no opening in the partitions shall be permitted.
(c) Outside partitions. The outside partitions of all toilet rooms shall be of solid construction or of glass set in suitable frames. If glass is used, it shall be opaque or translucent but not transparent. The partitions shall either extend from floor to ceiling or such rooms shall be independently ceiled over, except in the case of roof truss construction.
(d) Walls and ceilings. The walls and ceilings of all toilet rooms shall be of a substance that may be readily cleaned.
(e) Doors. The door of every toilet room shall be fitted with an effective self-closing device.
(f) Screening of entrance. The entrance to a toilet room shall be provided with a vestibule or screen, unless such toilet rooms contain only one toilet and the door to the room may be locked on the inside.
(g) Lighting. Each toilet room where adequate natural light is not available shall be artificially lighted in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 27 (relating to lighting) issued by the Department, and the approach thereto shall be kept well lighted and free from obstruction at all times.
(h) Ventilation. Exhaust fans shall discharge to the outside air so as not to cause offense to the occupants of the building or create a nuisance in the neighborhood. Whenever any air shaft used for ventilating toilet rooms is covered by a skylight, the net area of openings in the skylight shall be at least equal to the cross sectional area of the air shaft.


34 Pa. Code § 41.32

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.