(a) A licensee who is practicing in this
Commonwealth shall maintain professional liability insurance or an approved
self-insurance plan for professional liability in the minimum amount of
$100,000 per occurrence and $300,000 per annual aggregate.
(b) A
licensee shall certify compliance with
subsection (a) on the
licensee's biennial registration application. A
registration will not be issued unless the
licensee provides the certification
which shall consist of a certificate of insurance or copy of the declaration
page from the insurance policy setting forth the effective date, expiration
date and policy coverage in the amounts required. If the
licensee requests a
waiver of the requirement for professional liability insurance in accordance
with §
5.43 (relating to waiver of
requirement for professional liability insurance), the
licensee's application
for biennial registration will be conditionally approved pending determination
of the waiver request by the
Board and the issuance of a final order
(c) A licensee shall make
available to the Board or its agents all records, relating to the licensee's
maintenance of professional liability insurance, including policies, cancelled
checks, receipts or other proofs of premium payment or compliance with
standards for self-insurance plans.
(d) A licensee is not required to maintain
professional liability insurance for a biennial registration period in which a
license has been classified as inactive or unregistered and the licensee has
not practiced in this Commonwealth. Professional liability insurance is
required for any portion of the biennial registration period in which the
license is active.