Pa. Code tit. 25, pt. I, subpt. C, art. II, ch. 105 - DAM SAFETY AND WATERWAY MANAGEMENT

  1. Subchapter A - GENERAL PROVISIONS
  2. Subchapter B - DAMS AND RESERVOIRS, version 11
  3. Subchapter C - CULVERTS AND BRIDGES, version 11
  4. Subchapter D - STREAM ENCLOSURES, version 14
  8. Subchapter H - DOCKS, WHARVES AND BULKHEADS, version 4
  9. Subchapter I - COMMERCIAL DREDGING, version 2
  10. Subchapter J - DISCHARGES OF DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAL, version 3
  12. Subchapter L - GENERAL PERMITS (§ 105.441 to 105.449)
  13. Subchapter M - STATEMENTS OF POLICY


Pa. Code tit. 25, pt. I, subpt. C, art. II, ch. 105
The provisions of this Chapter 105 rescinded and readopted September 26, 1980, effective 9/27/1980, 10 Pa.B. 3843, unless otherwise noted.

The provisions of this Chapter 105 issued under section 7 of the act of June 14, 1923 (P. L. 704, No. 294) (32 P.S. § 597); sections 514, 1901-A, 1908-A, 1917-A and 1920-A of The Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P.S. §§ 194, 510-1, 510-8, 510-17 and 510-20); sections 5 and 402 of The Clean Streams Law (35 P.S. §§ 691.5 and 691.402); sections 302 and 402 of the Flood Plain Management Act (32 P.S. §§ 679.302 and 679.402); and sections 5, 7, 10, 11 and 17 of the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (32 P.S. §§ 693.5, 693.7, 693.10, 693.11 and 693.17), unless otherwise noted.

This chapter cited in 25 Pa. Code § 71.21 (relating to content of official plans); 25 Pa. Code § 77.459 (relating to stream diversions, water obstructions and encroachments); 25 Pa. Code § 77.523 (relating to water obstructions and encroachments); 25 Pa. Code § 77.527 (relating to sedimentation controls); 25 Pa. Code § 77.531 (relating to dams, ponds, embankments and impoundments-design, construction and maintenance); 25 Pa. Code § 77.631 (relating to general requirements); 25 Pa. Code § 78a.15 (relating to application requirements); 25 Pa. Code § 78a.60 (relating to discharge requirements); 25 Pa. Code § 78a.68 (relating to oil and gas gathering pipelines); 25 Pa. Code § 78a.68a (relating to horizontal directional drilling for oil and gas pipelines); 25 Pa. Code § 78a.68b (relating to well development pipelines for oil and gas operations); 25 Pa. Code § 86.6 (relating to extraction of coal incidental to government-financed construction or government-financed reclamation projects); 25 Pa. Code § 87.71 (relating to stream diversions, water obstructions and encroachments); 25 Pa. Code § 87.73 (relating to dams, ponds, embankments and impoundments); 25 Pa. Code § 87.104 (relating to stream channel diversions); 25 Pa. Code § 87.108 (relating to hydrologic balance: sedimentation ponds); 25Pa. Code § 87.112 (relating to hydrologic balance: dams, ponds, embankments and impoundments-design, construction and maintenance); 25 Pa. Code § 87.160 (relating to haul roads and access roads); 25 Pa. Code § 88.51 (relating to stream diversions, obstructions and encroachments); 25 Pa. Code § 88.53 (relating to dams, ponds, embankments and impoundments); 25 Pa. Code § 88.94 (relating to hydrologic balance: stream diversions); 25 Pa. Code § 88.102 (relating to hydrologic balance: dams, ponds, embankments and impoundments-design, construction and maintenance); 25 Pa. Code § 88.103 (relating to hydrologic balance: coal processing waste dams and embankments); 25 Pa. Code § 88.138 (relating to haul roads and access roads: general); 25 Pa. Code § 88.189 (relating to hydrologic balance: stream diversions); 25 Pa. Code § 88.197 (relating to hydrologic balance: ponds, embankments and impoundments-design, construction and maintenance); 25 Pa. Code § 88.198 (relating to hydrologic balance: coal processing waste dams and embankments); 25 Pa. Code § 88.231 (relating to haul roads and access roads: general); 25 Pa. Code § 88.294 (relating to hydrologic balance: stream diversions); 25 Pa. Code § 88.298 (relating to hydrologic balance: sedimentation ponds); 25 Pa. Code § 88.302 (relating to hydrologic balance: dams, ponds, embankments and impoundments-design, construction and maintenance); 25 Pa. Code § 88.303 (relating to hydrologic balance: coal processing waste dams and embankments); 25 Pa. Code § 88.335 (relating to haul roads and access roads: general); 25 Pa. Code § 89.26 (relating to roads); 25 Pa. Code § 89.56 (relating to stream channel diversions); 25 Pa. Code § 89.111 (relating to large impoundments); 25 Pa. Code § 90.36 (relating to stream diversions, water obstructions and encroachments); 25 Pa. Code § 90.105 (relating to stream channel diversions); 25 Pa. Code § 90.108 (relating to hydrologic balance: sedimentation ponds); 25 Pa. Code § 90.112 (relating to hydrologic balance: dams, ponds, embankments and impoundments-design, construction and maintenance); 25 Pa. Code § 90.122 (relating to coal refuse disposal); 25 Pa. Code § 90.134 (relating to haul roads and access roads: general); 25 Pa. Code § 90.202 (relating to general requirements); 25 Pa. Code § 90.205 (relating to alternatives analysis); 25 Pa. Code § 92a.11 (relating to other chapters applicable); 25 Pa. Code § 96.3 (relating to water quality protection requirements); 25 Pa. Code § 102.14 (relating to riparian buffer requirements); 25 Pa. Code § 236.128 (relating to natural resources); 25 Pa. Code § 236.147 (relating to surface geology and hydrology); 25 Pa. Code § 245.234 (relating to siting requirements); 25 Pa. Code § 250.1 (relating to definitions); 25 Pa. Code § 250.309 (relating to MSCs for surface water); 25 Pa. Code § 250.406 (relating to relationship to surface water quality requirements); 25 Pa. Code § 271.915 (relating to management practices); 25 Pa. Code § 273.202 (relating to areas where municipal waste landfills are prohibited); 25 Pa. Code § 273.213 (relating to access roads); 25 Pa. Code § 273.243 (relating to sedimentation ponds); 25 Pa. Code § 273.244 (relating to discharge structures); 25 Pa. Code § 277.202 (relating to areas where construction/demolition waste landfills are prohibited); 25 Pa. Code § 277.213 (relating to access roads); 25 Pa. Code § 277.242 (relating to soil erosion and sedimentation control); 25 Pa. Code § 277.243 (relating to sedimentation ponds); 25 Pa. Code § 277.244 (relating to discharge structures); 25 Pa. Code § 279.202 (relating to areas where transfer facilities are prohibited); 25 Pa. Code § 279.213 (relating to access roads); 25 Pa. Code § 279.232 (relating to soil erosion and sedimentation control); 25 Pa. Code § 281.202 (relating to areas where general composting facilities are prohibited); 25 Pa. Code § 281.212 (relating to access roads); 25 Pa. Code § 281.252 (relating to soil erosion and sedimentation control); 25 Pa. Code § 281.253 (relating to sedimentation ponds); 25 Pa. Code § 283.213 (relating to access roads); 25 Pa. Code § 283.232 (relating to soil erosion and sedimentation control); 25 Pa. Code § 285.123 (relating to impoundments-general); 25 Pa. Code § 288.213 (relating to access roads); 25 Pa. Code § 288.243 (relating to sedimentation ponds); 25 Pa. Code § 288.244 (relating to discharge structures); 25 Pa. Code § 288.422 (relating to areas where Class I residual waste landfills are prohibited); 25 Pa. Code § 288.522 (relating to areas where Class II residual waste landfills are prohibited); 25 Pa. Code § 288.622 (relating to areas where Class III residual waste landfills are prohibited); 25 Pa. Code § 289.223 (relating to access roads); 25 Pa. Code § 289.253 (relating to sedimentation ponds); 25 Pa. Code § 289.254 (relating to discharge structures); 25 Pa. Code § 289.422 (relating to areas where Class I residual waste disposal impoundments are prohibited); 25 Pa. Code § 289.522 (relating to areas where Class II residual waste disposal impoundments are prohibited); 25 Pa. Code § 290.408 (relating to storage impoundments-scope); 25 Pa. Code § 290.409 (relating to storage impoundments-general requirements); 25 Pa. Code § 293.202 (relating to areas where transfer facilities are prohibited); 25 Pa. Code § 293.213 (relating to access roads); 25 Pa. Code § 293.232 (relating to soil erosion and sedimentation control); 25 Pa. Code § 295.202 (relating to areas where composting facilities are prohibited); 25 Pa. Code § 295.212 (relating to access roads); 25 Pa. Code § 295.252 (relating to soil erosion and sedimentation control); 25 Pa. Code § 295.253 (relating to sedimentation ponds); 25 Pa. Code § 297.202 (relating to areas where incinerators and other processing facilities are prohibited); 25 Pa. Code § 297.213 (relating to access roads); 25 Pa. Code § 297.232 (relating to soil erosion and sedimentation control); 25 Pa. Code § 299.141 (relating to scope); 25 Pa. Code § 299.142 (relating to general requirements); 58 Pa. Code § 51.61 (relating to permits required for disturbance of waterways or watersheds); and 67 Pa. Code § 459.10a (relating to bridge occupancy).

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.