S.C. Code Regs. 20-27.16 - Promoter's responsibilities

(A) Bout agreements.
(1) The bout agreement between a promoter and a pro contestant must be executed and submitted to the South Carolina Athletic Commission no later than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the event.
(2) A bout agreement which provides that a contestant must fight exclusively for one promoter or at the option of the promoter is prohibited.
(B) Must have a permit application for the event with contestant's name and weight, the opponent's name and weight, and number of rounds, submitted to the Commission at least fourteen (14) days prior to the scheduled event. A contestant will not be permitted to fight unless approved by the Commission or its designee.
(C) Contestants' names, addresses and date of birth must be submitted to the Commission no later than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the start of the event.
(D) Must have a separate divider between the ring or caged area and the fans. The divider must be approved by the Commission or Commission Representative.
(E) Must follow all ticket and tax rules as defined in the Code.
(F) Must have event insurance coverage in the amount of ten thousand ($10,000.00) dollars in case of injury and ten thousand ($10,000.00) dollars in case of a death.
(G) No event shall start without the presence of a licensed medical doctor or doctor of osteopathic medicine present at ringside or cage side and an ambulance with medical personnel on site. The doctor must be present a minimum of two (2) hours prior to the start of the event. Ambulance and emergency medical (EMT) personnel must be present at the time the event is open to the public.
(H) Must supply the contestants' gloves to be used at the event. Gloves must be approved by the inspector or Commission representative.
(I) Have disposable garbage bags and biohazard bags in each dressing room and at ringside.
(J) Have cleaning solution used to clean blood and debris in the cage or ring. A solution with a minimum of ten (10%) percent bleach and ninety (90%) percent water is an acceptable solution.
(K) Must provide security with a minimum of one Commissioned police officer based upon the seating capacity for the particular event.
(L) All events must start on the time designated on permit or, after thirty (30) minutes, the promoter will be assessed a fine of one hundred ($100.00) dollars for each thirty (30) minutes thereafter the event is late, unless said delay is due to a cause beyond the control of the promoter.
(M) New gloves never previously worn must be used for all title bouts. Gloves must be approved by Commission representative or inspector.
(N) Must comply with all rules and regulations relating to promoting events.
(O) Promoters must pay the higher amount of either five (5%) percent of the gross gate receipts or a twenty five ($25.00) dollar minimum to the Commission within thirty (30) days after the event. Failure to pay the required gate fees within the time specified herein will result in the promoter being assessed a two hundred fifty ($250.00) dollar administrative fine, and an additional two hundred fifty ($250.00) dollar fine every thirty (30) days thereafter up to a maximum amount of one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars. An event permit shall not be issued to a promoter with an outstanding unpaid gate fee or fine. Promoters will be subject to disciplinary action by the Commission for any attempt to circumvent payment of the gate fee.
(P) Promoters must pay to the Commission a sanctioning fee as determined by the Commission to cover the cost of inspections in the enforcement of compliance with this chapter and South Carolina Code of Laws Title 40 Chapter 81.
(Q) The Commission Representative shall select and assign event referees and judges. Judges and referees shall be compensated by the promoter for their work as an official in accordance with an official's fee schedule as set by the Commission. In the event of judge or referee travel requiring overnight accommodations, any further negotiations, arrangements, agreements or contracts concerning compensation for travel or lodging shall be the responsibility and concern of the promoter and the referee or judge.


S.C. Code Regs. 20-27.16
Added by State Register Volume 36, Issue No. 6, eff June 22, 2012; State Register Volume 39, Issue No. 06, eff. 6/26/2015.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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