S.C. Code Regs. 8-246 - Study Committee

(A) Upon publication of the latest editions of the nationally-recognized codes as identified in S.C. Code Ann. ยง 6-9-50(A), the Study Committee may take up to a year to perform a technical analysis of changes to the building codes, including taking classes, at the expense of Council, which address the new code changes.
(B) During the Building Code Cycle, the Study Committee will also consider any proposed statewide modifications to the latest addition of the nationally-recognized codes and report its findings and recommendations to the Council.
(C) The Committee will consist of seven core members and seven alternates, appointed by the Council for the duration of the code cycle. Appointments of the core members and alternates must occur during the first Council meeting of the year coinciding with a new building code cycle. Core members and alternates must be active within the specific segment of the industry that they are representing on the Study Committee for the length of their tenure and must be South Carolina residents. The core membership of the Study Committee must consist of:
(1) A registered code enforcement officer, building official, or multi-trades inspector;
(2) A state licensed home builder;
(3) A state licensed general contractor;
(4) A state licensed architect;
(5) A state licensed engineer;
(6) A fire code official; and
(7) A state licensed contractor representing the mechanical trades.

An alternate acts in the place and on behalf of, the core member in the instance of an absence or recusal.

(D) The Study Committee Chair may request the assistance of subject matter experts from a pool of volunteers on an as-needed basis when reviewing and making recommendations on statewide proposed modifications. The subject matter expert volunteers do not have any voting rights on the Study Committee.
(E) The Study Committee members shall elect a chair and vice chair as the first order of business at the first Study Committee meeting of each new building code cycle. The Study Committee chair and vice chair shall serve for the length of the building code cycle. The chair shall preside over all Study Committee meetings and be available at public meetings of the Council, to clarify or augment the Study Committees recommendations. In the absence or recusal of the chair, the vice chair shall assume all duties of and act on behalf of the chair. If for any reason the chair leaves the Study Committee before expiration of his or her term, the vice chair shall serve as the chair for the duration of the original appointment. The Study Committee shall then elect a new vice chair.
(F) If a core member leaves the Study Committee before expiration of his or her term, the alternate for that core member shall serve for the duration of the original appointment. The Council shall then appoint a new alternate member from the appropriate segment of the construction industry.
(G) At no time may a specific segment of the construction industry be represented on the Study Committee by more than one core or alternate member.


S.C. Code Regs. 8-246
Added by State Register Volume 29, Issue No. 2, eff February 25, 2005; State Register Volume 48, Issue No. 05, eff. 5/24/2024.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.