S.D. Admin. R. 20:10:22:19 - Local land use controls

The applicant shall provide a general description of local land use controls and the manner in which the proposed facility will comply with the local land use zoning or building rules, regulations or ordinances. If the proposed facility violates local land use controls, the applicant shall provide the commission with a detailed explanation of the reasons why the proposed facility should preempt the local controls. The explanation shall include a detailed description of the restrictiveness of the local controls in view of existing technology, factors of cost, economics, needs of parties, or any additional information to aid the commission in determining whether a permit may supersede or preempt a local control pursuant to SDCL 49-41B-28.


S.D. Admin. R. 20:10:22:19
5 SDR 1, effective 7/25/1978; 12 SDR 151, 12 SDR 155, effective 7/1/1986.

General Authority: SDCL 49-41B-35.

Law Implemented: SDCL 49-41B-11, 49-41B-28.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.