(1) Effective July 1, 1988, inpatient
psychiatric hospitals having a utilization ratio at least one standard
deviation above the mean Medicaid inpatient utilization rate for all hospitals
receiving Medicaid payments or a low income utilization rate exceeding 25
percent will receive a 1% adjustment to the prospective rate for each
percentage above the 14% up to a cap of 3%; or a 2% adjustment to the
prospective rate for each percentage above the 25% low income utilization rate
up to a cap of 3%.
(a) Low income utilization
rate will be calculated as follows and will use information obtained from the
latest Hospital Joint Annual Report as submitted to the State Center of Health
Statistics. The sum of.
1. Total Medicaid
inpatient revenues paid to the hospital, plus the amount of the cash subsidies
received directly from State and local governments in a cost reporting period,
divided by the total amount of revenues of the hospital for inpatient services
(including the amount of such cash subsidies) in the same cost report period;
2. The total amount of the
hospitals charges for inpatient hospital services attributable to charity care
(care provided to individuals who have no source of payment, third party or
personal resources) in a cost reporting period, divided by the total amount of
the hospital's charges for inpatient services in the hospital in the same
period. The total inpatient charges attributed to charity care shall not
include contractual allowances and discounts (other than for indigent patients
not eligible for medical assistance under an approved Medicaid State plan) that
is, reductions in charges given to other third party payers, such as HMOs,
Medicare or Blue Cross.
(b) No total payment of the disproportionate
share adjustment will exceed 80% inpatient charity care plus 80% of inpatient
bad debt. All inpatient charity care and inpatient bad debt will be determined
by the latest Hospital Joint Annual Report as submitted to the State Center of
Health Statistics.
(c) Each year a
redetermination of the MDSA will be made at the same time the new pass through
component is determined. This determination will be made on the basis of the
best information available . Once the determination is made, it will not be
changed until the next scheduled redetermination. The effective date will
coincide with the new pass through adjustment.
(d) Beginning July 1, 1988, the
disproportionate share adjustment will be paid on a monthly basis and
established in June of each year. The monthly payment will be prospective based
on the disproportionate share adjustment multiplied by the anticipated number
of Medicaid days for the upcoming fiscal year July-June. This will be estimated
based on projections from historical experience and the addition of any
expected improvements.
(2) Effective July 1, 1989, psychiatric
hospitals having over 3,000 patient days attributable to patients determined
eligible for Medicaid by the state of Tennessee or a utilization ratio of 14%
or one standard deviation above the mean utilization ratio for all hospitals,
whichever is lower, will be provided a payment incentive. The MDSA shall not be
subject to trending. The MDSA will be the higher of (a) or (b) but shall not
exceed 34%.
(a) The prospective rate will be
adjusted upward by 6% for each 1% increment in the utilization rate above 14%
or one standard deviation above the mean, whichever is lower.
(b) The prospective rate will be adjusted
upward by 6% for each increment of 1,000 reimbursed inpatient reported Medicaid
days over 3,000 and the prospective rate will be increased upward by 3% if
total days exceed 3,650 but are less than 4,000.
(c) No total payment of the disproportionate
share adjustment will exceed 80% of inpatient charity care plus 80% of
inpatient bad debt. All inpatient charity care and inpatient bad debt will be
determined by the latest Hospital Joint Annual Report as submitted to the State
Center of Health Statistics.
Psychiatric hospitals that do not qualify under the criteria in (2) but have a
low-income inpatient utilization rate exceeding 25% will receive the following
payment incentive:
1. The prospective rate
will be adjusted upward by 2% for each percentage above 25% up to a cap of
2. No total payment of the
disproportionate share adjustment will exceed 80% of inpatient charity care
plus 80% of inpatient bad debt. All inpatient charity care and inpatient bad
debt will be determined by the latest Hospital Joint Annual Report as submitted
to the State Center of Health Statistics.
3. Low income utilization rate will be
calculated as follows from information obtained from the latest Hospital Joint
Annual Report as submitted to the State Center of Health Statistics. The sum
(I) Total Medicaid inpatient revenues
paid to the hospital, plus the amount of the cash subsidies received directly
from state and local governments in a cost reporting period, divided by the
total amount of revenues of the hospital for inpatient services (including the
amount of such cash subsidies) in the same cost reporting period; and,
(ii) The total amount of the hospital's
charges for inpatient hospital services attributable to charity care (care
provided to individuals who have no source of payment, third party or personal
resources) in a cost reporting period, divided by the total amount of the
hospital's charges for inpatient services in the hospital in the same period.
The total inpatient charges attributed to charity care shall not include
contractual allowances and discounts (other than for indigent patients not
eligible for medical assistance under an approved Medicaid State plan) that is,
reductions in charges given to other third party payers, such as HMOs, Medicare
or Blue Cross.
(e) Each year a redetermination of the MDSA
will be made at the same time the new pass through component is determined.
This determination will be made on the basis of the best information available .
Once the determination is made, it will not be changed until the next scheduled
redetermination. The effective date will coincide with the new pass through
(f) The
disproportionate share adjustment will be paid on a monthly basis and
established in June of each year. The monthly payment will be prospective based
on the disproportionate share adjustment multiplied by the anticipated number
of Medicaid days for the upcoming fiscal year July - June. This will be
estimated based on projections from historical experience and the addition of
any expected improvements.
(3) Effective October 1, 1992, psychiatric
hospitals having over 1,000 cost report patient days attributable to patients
determined eligible for Medicaid by the State of Tennessee or a 9.31 % Medicaid
utilization ratio or having a low income utilization rate equal to or greater
than 25 % will be provided a payment incentive (MDSA). The MDSA will be the
higher of (a), (b), or (c) but cannot exceed 10% of inpatient and outpatient
charity charges plus Medicare and Medicaid contractual adjustments adjusted to
cost. For the purposes of this rule, Medicaid days will not include days
reimbursed by the Primary Care Network. For the purposes of this rule charity,
unless otherwise specified, will be defined as inpatient and outpatient charity
charges (including medically indigent, low income, and medically indigent
other), bad debt, and Medicare and Medicaid contractual adjustments adjusted to
cost. Charity will include charges for both in-state and out-of-state services.
(a) The prospective rate will be adjusted
upward by a factor of 5.8 times the difference between the actual utilization
rate and a 9.31% utilization rate.
(b) The prospective rate will be adjusted
upward by 5.8% times the number of days above 1,000 days divided by 1,000
(c) The prospective rate will
be adjusted upward by 2% times the difference between the low income
utilization rate and a 25% low income utilization rate. This adjustment will be
capped at 10%.
(d) Low-income
utilization rate will be calculated as follows from information obtained from
the latest industry complete Hospital Joint Annual Report as submitted to the
State Center of Health Statistics. The sum of:
1. Total Medicaid inpatient revenues paid to
the hospital, plus the amount of the cash subsidies received directly from
state and local governments in a cost reporting period, divided by the total
amount of revenues of the hospital for inpatient services (including the amount
of such cash subsidies) in the same cost reporting period; and
2. The total amount of the hospital's charges
for inpatient hospital services attributable to charity care (care provided to
individuals who have no source of payment, third-party or personal resources)
in a cost reporting period, divided by the total amount of the hospital's
charges for inpatient services in the hospital in the same period. The total
inpatient charges attributed to charity care shall not include contractual
allowances and discounts (other than for indigent patients not eligible for
medical assistance under an approved Medicaid State Plan) that is reductions in
charges given to other third-party payers, such as HMOs, Medicare or Blue
(e) Each year a
predetermination of the MDSA will be made at the same time the new pass through
component is determined. This determination will be made on the basis of the
best information available . Once the determination is made, it will not be
changed until the next scheduled redetermination. The effective date will
coincide with the new pass through adjustment.
(f) In accordance with the Medicaid State
Plan, the disproportionate share adjustment will be paid on a monthly basis.
The monthly payment will be prospective based on the disproportionate share
adjustment multiplied by the anticipated number of Medicaid days. This will be
estimated based on projections from historical experience and the addition of
any expected improvements.
(g) The
total amount of MDSA payments for both acute care and psychiatric hospitals
will be limited by a federal cap. When allocating the amount of payments that
will be made, the amount of payments based on subparagraph (g) of paragraph (9)
of the amendment to rule 1200-13-5-.11, will be excluded. After calculations
have been made, hospitals will receive their proportionate share of the total
available MDSA allotment.
(4) Effective July 1, 1993, psychiatric
hospitals having over 1,000 cost report patient days attributable to patients
determined eligible for Medicaid by the State of Tennessee or a 10.45% Medicaid
utilization ratio or having a low income utilization rate equal to or greater
than 25% will be provided a payment incentive (MDSA). The MDSA will be the
higher of (a), (b), or (c) but cannot exceed 10% of inpatient and outpatient
"charity" charges plus Medicare and Medicaid contractual adjustments adjusted
to cost. For the purpose of this rule Medicaid days will not include days
reimbursed by the Primary Care Network. For the purpose of this rule "charity",
unless otherwise specified, will be defined as inpatient and outpatient
"charity" charges (including medical), indigent, low income, and medically
indigent other), bad debt, and Medicare and Medicaid contractual adjustments
adjusted to cost. "Charity" will include charges for both instate and
out-of-state services.
(a) The prospective
rate will be adjusted upward by a factor of 5.8 times the difference between
the actual utilization rate and a 10.45% utilization rate.
(b) The prospective rate will be adjusted
upward by 5.8% times thc number of days above 1,000 days divided by 1,000
(c) The prospective rate will
be adjusted upwards by 2% times the difference between the low income
utilization rate and a 25% low income utilization rate. This adjustment will be
capped at 10%.
(d) Low-income
utilization rate will be calculated as follows from information obtained from
the 1991 Hospital Joint Annual Report as submitted to the State Center of
Health Statistics. The sum of:
1. Total
Medicaid inpatient revenues paid to the hospital, plus the amount of the cash
subsidies received directly from the state and local governments in a cost
reporting period, divided by the total amount of revenues of the hospital for
inpatient services (including the amount of such cash subsidies) in the same
cost reporting period; and
2. The
total amount of the hospital's charges for inpatient hospital services
attributable to "charity care" (care provided to individuals who have no source
of payment, thirty-party or personal resources( in a cost reporting period,
divided by the total amount of the hospital's charges for inpatient services in
the hospital in the same period. The total inpatient charges attributed to
"charity care" shall not include contractual allowances and discounts (other
than for indigent patients not eligible for Medical assistance under an
approved Medicaid State Plan) that are reductions in charges given to other
third-party payers, such as HMOs, Medicare or Blue Cross.
(e) Each year a redetermination of the MDSA
will be made at the same time the new pass-through component is determined.
This determination will be made on the basis of the best information available .
Once the determination is made, it will not be changed until the next scheduled
redetermination. The effective date will coincide with the new pass through
(f) In accordance with
the Medicaid State Plan, the disproportionate share adjustment will be paid on
a monthly basis. The monthly payment will be prospective based on the
disproportionate share adjustment multiplied by the number of Medicaid days
reported on the 1992 cost report. In cases where the 1992 report is
unavailable, the latest report on file will be used.
(g) The total amount of MDSA for both acute
care and psychiatric hospitals will be limited by a federal cap. When
allocating the amount of payments that will be made, the amount of payments
based on subparagraph (g) of paragraph (10) of the amendment to rule
1200-13-5-.11, will be excluded. After calculations have been made, hospitals
will receive their proportionate share of the total available MDSA
Authority: T.C.A. ยงยง 12-4-301, 71-5-105, 71-5-109 and 4-5-202.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.