Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1240-01-03-.32 - CHILD SUPPORT - AFDC ONLY

(1) Introduction. The Office of Child Support Services is the agency with responsibility for the administration of the Title IV-D requirements to locate absent parents, establish paternity, collect support payments, and recover any overpayments due to the family's retention of assigned support.
(2) Support is defined as court-ordered or voluntary money payments made to, or on behalf of, any member of an AFDC assistance unit by an absent parent (legally recognized parent, or natural parent who admits paternity). Such support is assigned to the state, pursuant to state law, as a condition of AFDC eligibility. Spousal support is also assigned if it was ordered at the time of the child support order by a court.
(3) Conditions of AFDC Eligibility. As conditions of AFDC eligibility for him/herself, each applicant for or recipient of aid on behalf of a child must:
(a) Assign to the state any rights to support from any other person that the A/R may have in behalf of any member of the aid group. This assignment includes past support rights which have accrued at the time of such assignment. There is no waiver of the assignment requirement.
(b) Cooperate with the state in:
1. Identifying and locating the absent parent(s);
2. Establishing paternity if necessary;
3. Obtaining support payments.
(c) As an element of cooperation, turn over to the state any support paid directly to the applicant/recipient, whether voluntary or court-ordered.
(4) Summary of the Treatment of Support Payments
(a) When an assignment is in effect on an AFDC case, any support paid to or on behalf of the aid group members must go to the state to be disbursed by the IV-D agency in accordance with federal regulations.
(b) Support may or may not be court ordered. Prior to the establishment of an order of support, the actual monthly amount of voluntary support, less the child support bonus, is tested against the grant or appropriate need standard to (re)determine eligibility. In cases of court ordered support, the court ordered amount, less the child support bonus, is tested against the appropriate need standard at the time of application, at redeterminations requested by IV-D Fiscal Services, or as required due to client retained support. Any excess amount paid over the court ordered amount of support by the absent parent is used by IV-D to reimburse arrearages owed the state and federal governments for payment of the AFDC grant. If there are no arrearages, the overage is credited to "futures" to be used for reimbursement purposes as needed.
(c) If the support payment, less the child support bonus, is insufficient to meet the family's needs by DHS grant standards, the family receives the full AFDC grant to which it is entitled, disregarding the support. The support payment is used to reimburse state and federal AFDC funds expended on the family.
(d) If the support payments do meet the needs of the family (or children), the AFDC grant must be terminated.
(5) AFDC Cases Subject to Support Procedures. Any AFDC assistance case in which eligibility is based upon absence of a parent is subject to child support requirements and will be referred to the IV-D agency upon approval of the AFDC grant and at the time of an addition of a child(ren) to the aid group. Grants which include only a pregnant woman who would be eligible for AFDC if the child was born must also be referred to IV-D. The following types of cases are exempt from support processes and are not referred to the IV-D agency even where eligibility is based on absence:
(a) "Caretaker Only" cases in which the needy child is an SSI recipient.
(b) "Medicaid Only" recipient/cases for dependent children age 18-21 years old.
(c) Absence due to court ordered public service in lieu of incarceration.
(d) Single parent adoptions.
(6) Reserved for future use.


Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1240-01-03-.32
Original rule filed August 15, 1980; effective September 29, 1980. Amendment filed August 23, 1983; effective September 22, 1983. Amendment filed September 19, 1985; effective December 14, 1985.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 14-1-105 and 14-8-106; 45 C.F.R. 231.11, 232.12, and 302.51.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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