1 Tex. Admin. Code § 167.105 - Mediator Roster Update, Withdrawal, and Fee Arrangements

(a) The roster of mediators will be updated on January 1 and July 1 of each year. Mediators may send letters of interest and qualification statements described in § RSA 167.103(d) of this title (relating to Roster of Mediators) at any time, but they must be received by SOAH by June 15 or December 15 of each year to be included on the next updated roster. Once placed on the roster, the mediator's name shall remain there until the mediator withdraws or the Chief Judge determines the mediator is not qualified under Insurance Code, § RSA 1467.052.
(b) Mediators may withdraw from the roster at any time. Withdrawals must be in writing and filed with SOAH.
(c) Mediators shall be solely responsible for fee arrangements with and payments from parties.


1 Tex. Admin. Code § 167.105
The provisions of this §167.105 adopted to be effective September 28, 2010, 35 TexReg 8721

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.