1 Tex. Admin. Code § 167.151 - Mediator's Reports Following Mediation

(a) Within five days after the conclusion of mediation, the mediator shall submit to the Chief Judge, the Texas Department of Insurance, and the Texas Medical Board one of the following:
(1) if the mediation was successful, a report indicating that the parties resolved their dispute in mediation; or
(2) if the mediation was unsuccessful, the report prescribed in Insurance Code, § RSA 1467.057.
(b) If mediation was unsuccessful, the mediator shall include in the report to the Chief Judge the following information:
(1) the issues to be referred to a special judge;
(2) the name of the special judge, if any, on which the parties have agreed or a statement advising that the Chief Judge should appoint a special judge;
(3) a certification that the parties have waived their right to trial by jury.
(c) The mediator shall not file the report required in Insurance Code, § RSA 1467.101 with SOAH.


1 Tex. Admin. Code § 167.151
The provisions of this §167.151 adopted to be effective September 28, 2010, 35 TexReg 8721

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