Utah Admin. Code R657-13-2 - Definitions

(1) Terms used in this rule are defined in Section 23A-1-101.
(2) In addition:
(a) "Aggregate" means the combined total of two or more species of fish or two or more size classes of fish which are covered by a limit distinction.
(b) "Airgun" means any archery tackle that is capable of firing arrows or bolts, is pneumatically powered, and pressurized solely through a separate charging device.
(c) "Angling" means fishing with a rod, pole, tipup, handline, or trollboard that has a single line with legal hooks, baits, or lures attached to it, and is held in the hands of, or within sight, not to exceed 100 feet, of the person fishing.
(i) "Artificial fly" means a fly made by the method known as fly tying.
(ii) "Artificial fly" does not mean a weighted jig, lure, spinner, attractor blade, or bait.
(e) "Artificial lure" means a device made of rubber, wood, metal, glass, fiber, feathers, hair, or plastic with a hook or hooks attached. Artificial lures, including artificial flies, do not include fish eggs or other chemically treated or processed natural baits or any natural or human-made food, or any lures that have been treated with a natural or artificial fish attractant or feeding stimulant.
(f) "Daily limit" means the maximum limit, in number or amount, of protected aquatic wildlife that one person may legally take during one day.
(g) "Bait" means a digestible substance, including corn, worms, cheese, salmon eggs, marshmallows, or manufactured baits including human-made items that are chemically treated with food stuffs, chemical fish attractants or feeding stimulants.
(h) "Camp" means, for the purposes of this rule, any place providing temporary overnight accommodation for anglers including a camper, campground, tent, trailer, cabin, houseboat, boat, or hotel.
(i) "Chumming" means dislodging or depositing in the water any substance not attached to a hook, line, or trap, which may attract fish.
(j) "Commercially prepared and chemically treated baitfish" means any fish species or fish parts which have been processed using a chemical or physical preservation technique other than freezing including irradiation, salting, cooking, or oiling and are marketed, sold or traded for financial gain as bait.
(k) "Dipnet" means a small bag net with a handle that is used to scoop fish or crayfish from the water.
(l) "Filleting" means the processing of fish for human consumption typically done by cutting away flesh from bones, skin, and body.
(m) "Fishing contest" means any organized event or gathering where anglers are awarded prizes, points or money for their catch.
(n) "Float tube" means an inflatable floating device less than 48 inches in any dimension, capable of supporting one person.
(o) "Free Shafting" means to release a pointed shaft that is not tethered or attached by physical means to the diver in an attempt to take fish while engaged in underwater spearfishing.
(p) "Gaff" means a spear or hook, with or without a handle, used for holding or lifting fish.
(q) "Game fish" means Bonneville cisco; bluegill; bullhead; channel catfish; crappie; green sunfish; largemouth bass; northern pike; Sacramento perch; smallmouth bass; striped bass, trout including rainbow, albino, cutthroat, brown, golden, brook, lake or mackinaw, kokanee salmon, and grayling or any hybrid of the foregoing; tiger muskellunge; walleye; white bass; whitefish; wiper; and yellow perch.
(r) "Handline" means a piece of line held in the hand and not attached to a pole used for taking fish or crayfish.
(s) "Immediately Released" means that the fish should be quickly unhooked and released back into the water where caught. Fish that must be immediately released cannot be held on a stringer, or in a live well or any other container or restraining device.
(t) "Lake" means the standing water level existing at any time within a lake basin. Unless posted otherwise, a stream flowing inside or within the high water mark is not considered part of the lake.
(u) "Length measurement" means the greatest length between the tip of the head or snout and the tip of the caudal fin when the fin rays are squeezed together. Measurement is taken in a straight line and not over the curve of the body.
(v) "Liftnet" means a small net that is drawn vertically through the water column to take fish or crayfish.
(w) "Motor" means an electric or internal combustion engine.
(x) "Nongame fish" means species of fish not listed as game fish.
(y) "Permanent residence" means, for the purposes of this rule only, the domicile an individual claims pursuant to Subsection 23A-1-101(15).
(z) "Possession limit" means, for purposes of this rule only, two daily limits, including fish in a cooler, camper, tent, freezer, livewell or any other place of storage, excluding fish stored in an individual's permanent residence.
(aa) "Protected aquatic wildlife" means, for purposes of this rule only, all species of fish, crustaceans, or amphibians.
(bb) "Reservoir" means the standing water level existing at any time within a reservoir basin. Unless posted otherwise, a stream flowing inside or within the high water mark is not considered part of the reservoir.
(cc) "Seine" means a small mesh net with a weighted line on the bottom and float line on the top that is drawn through the water. This type of net is used to enclose fish when its ends are brought together.
(dd) "Setline" means a line anchored to a non-moving object and not attached to a fishing pole.
(ee) "Shooting line" means the line used to connect a speargun to spearshaft and does not include float line and reel line.
(ff) "Single hook" means a hook or multiple hooks having a common shank.
(gg) "Snagging" or "gaffing" means to take a fish in a manner that the fish does not take the hook voluntarily into its mouth.
(hh) "Spear" means a long-shafted, sharply pointed, hand held instrument with or without barbs used to spear fish from above the surface of the water.
(ii) "Tributary" means a stream flowing into a larger stream, lake, or reservoir.
(i) "Trout" means species of the family Salmonidae, including rainbow, albino, cutthroat, brown, golden, brook, tiger, lake or mackinaw, splake, kokanee salmon, and grayling or any hybrid of the foregoing.
(kk) "Trout" does not include whitefish or Bonneville cisco.
(ll) "Underwater spearfishing" means fishing by a person swimming, snorkeling, or SCUBA diving and using a mechanical device held in the hand, which uses a rubber band, spring, pneumatic power, or other device to propel a pointed shaft to take fish from under the surface of the water.


Utah Admin. Code R657-13-2
Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2015-1, effective 12/8/2014 Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2019-1, effective 12/10/2018 Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2023-23, effective 11/21/2023 Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2024-17, effective 8/21/2024 Amended by Utah State Bulletin Number 2024-24, effective 12/2/2024

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